Author Thread: The real focus of the Body of Christ

The real focus of the Body of Christ
Posted : 1 Jan, 2011 05:34 PM

In these last days!

If it isn't apparent to you that we are indeed in the last days, then I pray that God grant you wisdom. The Bible tells us that there will be a falling away of the church in the end times (1-Timothy 4:1-2) and if you open your eyes, that is your spiritual eyes...then you will see that the demonic realm has gained control of many "so called" and several" once upon a time" Christian churches.

Entire denominations have walked away from the gospel of truth and those that haven't are encountering church closers, splits, dramatic drop in attendance, lack of discipleship and church leadership being influenced and even under the control of demonic spirits.

Todays churched youth are being drawn away in unfathomable numbers by the schemes of the master of lies. Many youth still attending church and youth groups are only displaying a front while in reality they are in bondage to the lusts of their flesh. They put on a good act but inside they are in torment and unfortunately many youth pastors lack the ability to see which spirit is leading their youth.

empty salvation alter calls are happening in increasing numbers. Some churches have all but walked away from water baptism. Christ never told us to go and get people saved, He said to make disciples. Yet many churches are more concerned with the number of "salvations" that have happened at their church then actually discipling those in their church. Salvation without discipleship equals death. Where is the accountability?

"Deliverance'! The word is as unpopular as the practice. Yet our churches are full of hurting believers and spectators. Salvation is only the beginning of our freedom. Saved persons can still be influenced by the demonic realm. there are unhealthy soul ties yet to be broken. Many Christians still need physical, emotional and spiritual healing. Fear, guilt and unworthiness stunt the growth of many believers relationships with God.

Heaven has posted an ad in the reads like this "Wanted!!! Children of God who are willing to die to self in order to be effectively used by the Holy Spirit to do the will of the Father. Applicants should desire to be overflowing with the Holy Spirit and seeking everything that He has to offer. They must seek to live the sinless life that Jesus Christ Himself displayed for us and must learn to love unconditionally. Applicants should come boldly to the throne room of God, praying to the Father in the name of Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit. Benefits include but not limited to; joy unspeakable, peace that is unwavering, an eternity in the constant presence of Jesus Christ, oh and yes a beautiful crown that one gets to humbly place at the feet of Jesus.

Satan has the body of Christ right where he wants us....divided, aiming our swords at each other. He has infiltrated the very core of the church. We must unite as one! We must seek the face of God together! We must pray for each other without ceasing!

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The real focus of the Body of Christ
Posted : 1 Jan, 2011 09:44 PM

Are you


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The real focus of the Body of Christ
Posted : 1 Jan, 2011 10:13 PM


Great post, Good points, However there in one point that you and Archimedes have in common; the belief that the body of Christ is divided. From the perspective of the world it appears so. This is not so from the perspective of the spiritual. I do not believe different denominations is a bad thing,(obviously some are). I believe God wants all to come into a saving knowledge of him. People are all different, therefore different forms of worship, and non-essential beliefs are needed to accommodate those who otherwise would not seek God. For instance : Do you think there would be more or less Christians of the only choice on the face of this planet was the roman catholic church?

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The real focus of the Body of Christ
Posted : 3 Jan, 2011 04:51 PM

I�ve never seen an empty salvation alter call. Once you have accepted salvation from sin you are a disciple/follower/believer. The accountability is in the believer. The church cannot stop people from choosing to continue in their sin rather than accepting Christ as their Saviour nor can the church force someone to read the bible or come back to continue learning.

John 3:15 That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

Once you have salvation from sin there is no spiritual death. So your statement that �salvation without discipleship equals death� is false!

The problem is not alter calls and salvation. The problem is that many churches are not preaching out of the bible and they don�t teach about salvation and they don�t practice baptism by emersion as a sign of obedience.

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