Author Thread: astrology

Posted : 30 Dec, 2010 08:15 PM

Do you think it's right or wrong to be interested in and/or read astrological things? Why?

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Posted : 31 Dec, 2010 05:39 AM

I think it's wrong.

There are many scriptures in the Word that speak against it.


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Posted : 31 Dec, 2010 06:52 AM

To read or learn about Astrology just so one will know what it is (in my view) is not inherently wrong.

With that being said�believing in it and using it to �divine� the future or a person�s �characteristics�is wrong and tantamount to �dabbling in witchcraft�.

There is something to be said about the Planets and their �interaction� with us humans. God made this Universe to be in harmony and for Mankind. Take for instance where God Placed Jupiter. The planet Jupiter is �perfectly� placed so as to protect us from wandering asteroids and comets.

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Posted : 31 Dec, 2010 08:45 AM

I believe it is wrong to look to flaming balls of gas for our guidance, when we can instead look to the one who created them, formed them, and put them into place.

As Arch says: "There is something to be said about the Planets and their �interaction� with us humans. God made this Universe to be in harmony and for Mankind."

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Posted : 31 Dec, 2010 11:04 AM

The study of stars is not wrong.

The worship of astrology is a violation of one the 10 commandments. You shall have no other God, but The Lord God.

Fact- Adolph Hitler got his battle plans from an astrologest.

Even the plans to gas the jews came from his personal Astrologer.

I do not believe you can be saved and follow astrology I believe is is a form of Satanic worship.

NOW the study of the stars is a science and that is different.


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Posted : 31 Dec, 2010 12:20 PM

Astrology is wrong, but astronomy is quite fascinating!

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Posted : 31 Dec, 2010 12:46 PM


It is not necessary to go to the Hebrew and Greek, it is not necessary to study the practices of witchcraft and divination in the Old and New Testaments and how they relate to astrology or do a extensive Bible study on the topic....

It is as simple as this :

Are you going to trust God and be led by the Holy Spirit


Trust in the stars and be led by what others say they mean?

Btw...who are these "others"?


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Posted : 1 Jan, 2011 02:28 PM

Uhm, guys? I think she was asking a question about astrology, not advocating using it. There is a subtle difference, you know.

Astrology started (in my opinion) from a solid source -- from the observation of similarities between people born in the same time of year. Then, it built on that a lot of metaphysical hogwash. Using the stars for guidance for what you should do is silly and opens the doors to demons.

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Posted : 1 Jan, 2011 11:34 PM

I don't think reading the daily horoscope is wise or of God, since the fortune cookies have about the same general information.

I do believe, however, that the Magi or wise men used the study of the stars in a biblical way to find baby Jesus and it took months for them to find him, and it interest me to be honest. The star that appeared when Jesus was born was a sign, right? I don't see where they were sinning or into witchcraft, unless someone can enlighten me more on this.

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Posted : 2 Jan, 2011 09:44 AM


What the Magi did was leaning more to astronomy than astrology. Then new of a prophecy about a star appearing when the King of the Jews or the Messiah was to be born. With modern computers we can go back and see what the night sky looked like at that time.

The star,'Regulus' which is a "king" star was from the earths perspective so close to the planet 'Jupiter' "king planet" that they appeared as one star and very bright. This happened in 3 AD.

Interesting, a king planet and a king star coming together in the constellation of Leo, 'The Lion'. Hmmm...Jesus King of the Jews and the Lion of the tribe of Judah.

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Posted : 2 Jan, 2011 03:15 PM

Thanks for that information 2.

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