Author Thread: exotic dancing

exotic dancing
Posted : 30 Dec, 2010 03:39 PM

Do you think that it is wrong for an unmarried woman to learn such dances as bellydancing and pole dancing? Why, or why not?

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exotic dancing
Posted : 30 Dec, 2010 03:55 PM

If it was for the purpose of being used once she was married, as something between her and her husband, then no, I don't see anything wrong with it. I guess I would view it as any other activity that could be used improperly outside of marriage or properly inside of marriage.

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exotic dancing
Posted : 30 Dec, 2010 04:43 PM

Both are excellent forms of exercise, and both can be used for much enjoyment within marriage. :)

It can be a slippery slope, but I'd say if you don't have a problem with it, and can manage it well, go for it!

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exotic dancing
Posted : 30 Dec, 2010 04:45 PM

Though I hope there aren't any men in/teaching/observing the class. . . .


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exotic dancing
Posted : 30 Dec, 2010 06:49 PM

I have so many jokes about this running through my head. I'll not share but I think it's ok if she keeps it all in perspective.


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exotic dancing
Posted : 30 Dec, 2010 07:40 PM

I wonder where someone would even go (that isn't a naughty place) to learn how to pole dance. There are probably DVDs with lessons, but unless you have a pole at home (which I don't), I'm not sure how useful it would be.

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exotic dancing
Posted : 30 Dec, 2010 08:01 PM

I see nothing wrong with letting the Polish people Dance!

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exotic dancing
Posted : 30 Dec, 2010 08:24 PM

:laugh: Now that was funny Archimedes !!!

It is a slippery slope for sure. I think there is deeper motive than just exercise when these things where made. You will do what you practice. You practice sexy moves you will think why not when temptation comes. Being saved from that life style I have seen nice women and men get sucked in. I can't put my fist down and say it is wrong, but personally I would not recommend this even in the form of exercise and I am a gym rat and I strongly promote health and fitness.

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exotic dancing
Posted : 30 Dec, 2010 09:55 PM

There are actually "pole dancing" parties and instructors that come to your home with a portable pole. I saw it on a TV special a while back, but I think it would be weird learning it with a bunch of women like some Tupperware party deal. :laugh:

I love to dance and wanted to learn both types,(for marriage only) but you can find teaching videos on You Tube. That is more private and discreet.

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exotic dancing
Posted : 31 Dec, 2010 07:03 AM

Belly dancing, just as pole dancing was created as a way of arousing sexual desire. It should be only between spouses.

The daughter of Herodias danced before Herod and his guests. She so pleased Herod that he swore to give her anything she requested, up to half of his kingdom. Her mother used it to have John the Baptist Beheaded. Pretty Powerful stuff?

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exotic dancing
Posted : 31 Dec, 2010 10:55 AM

Since I made a comment on another post before this post was written, I have a question?

Is this post written to get a general opinion after I opposed it?

It is improper to advertise such pics on a christian site as I saw a woman my age do. No I did not email her and tell her I oppose it. I am a man who does not know that woman.

Nor is it wise to advertise somebodies emails in public by displaying them.


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