Author Thread: The Church.What is The True Meaning of it?Where Can I Find It In Todays World?

The Church.What is The True Meaning of it?Where Can I Find It In Todays World?
Posted : 11 Dec, 2010 11:59 AM

I do'nt know if anyone saw this,but i've just got to share it.This morning around 2:00 am (et) 10:00 pm (pt),i saw a report on CNN during lunch at work that completely shocked me.It was during the ending of "Larry King Live" & Anderson Cooper (360) came on & reported about a church (whose name i wo'nt mention here know some people on here probly goes there) Goes to dead soldiers funerals & make a public protest.The part that got me is that not only what they're behaving,but what is written on the signs that they're have in their hands which says "A Good Soldier is a DEAD ONE"! I think i saw one that said "God Hates slodiers"!& others so cruel,that i can't remember right now.Later on,Anderson Cooper said that if i'm correct,today,they're going to a funeral of a soldier whose name is Elizabeth Edwards & make a protest there.He also showed a video of a man who replied to a statement that Mr.Cooper stated about what this church saying about homosexuals should be killed (p.s i can't remember this in full detail since i sadly do'nt have a tape of this report so i might be incorrect in some way)& saying that God is angry with Mr.Cooper & the Pastor made some "curse" on Mr.Cooper & even dared to even prayed to God that he will be punished for what he said with this "curse"!Mr.Cooper replied at the end of the recording that he do'nt believe that the man prayers would be answered & that God will not even listen to him.So my question to you all is what do you think of this? In these times ,when the church is being made a" stock" to non-believers through all these years with Pastors who killed their own wives for another woman who is most of the time immoral or just decided to kill thier cogregation,they're molesting their own children,most of the time finding a smart way to rob their own church out of the collection money etc,this come up.I know that Jesus had made Prophesies about this when he said that "these are the signs of the end times" in the Bible,but it sometimes gets to me in a way.

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The Church.What is The True Meaning of it?Where Can I Find It In Todays World?
Posted : 11 Dec, 2010 01:51 PM


The church is the Westboro Baptist church. These are baptized Christians (in the Body of Christ) that are in apostasy. They have listened to their Pastor spout lies and untruths (using Scripture) and have disgraced every Christian and have disappointed their God. As a military man�I find it despicable to desecrate the death of a hero.

They �picketed� the funeral of Elizabeth Edwards (the wife of a senator). Only 5 of them showed up and they were drown out by supporters of Ms. Edwards.

It just goes to show how we are Sheep and can be led to our own destruction (by so called �Men of God).

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The Church.What is The True Meaning of it?Where Can I Find It In Todays World?
Posted : 11 Dec, 2010 02:07 PM

Thankyou for the addition info & your opinions Arch.Soldiers are people too,many people forgotten that in the Bible,most Christians had fighted for not only peace & justice,but for God as well.And let us not forget until that very big "Day Of Judgement",we ALL as people of God or Soldiers fighting against the powers the Enemy brings in our way.:boxing:

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