Author Thread: What do you think the penalties for sex offenders should be?

What do you think the penalties for sex offenders should be?
Posted : 5 Dec, 2010 12:11 PM

Do you think they should be allowed community service in lieu of jail time? Do you think they can be rehabilitated? Should they ever be released back into society?

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What do you think the penalties for sex offenders should be?
Posted : 5 Dec, 2010 02:42 PM

Honestly...I think we should make examples of criminals far more than we do. Maybe try prison sentences and rehabilitation for first-time offenders....but make the punishment more than just "time" for anything after that. Too many criminals look at prison like a vacation. My cousin just got out, and some of the stories he was telling about the things they're allowed to do is crazy. It isn't supposed to be a resort for criminals, it should be so horrible that they never want to go back. I don't think the increase in crime is any coincidence. Lack of any real punishment is why they keep coming back. They don't realize the consequences of what they did, so they don't think it was that bad....they'll just do it again...


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What do you think the penalties for sex offenders should be?
Posted : 5 Dec, 2010 03:24 PM

I agree with Mark...but then again, I do not have the gift of mercy. I think that something along the lines of castration might be a good punishment (along with more jail time, community service, rehab, etc.) for a second offense.

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What do you think the penalties for sex offenders should be?
Posted : 5 Dec, 2010 04:16 PM

I had to take a course in domestic/physical/sexual violence a few years ago and for sexual predators, castration would not deter their sick drive to continue because it's all mental with them. I feel a lobotomy would be more fitting. Or.. don't put them into protective custody in the prisons. Put them out in the general population and let the 'boys' take care of 'em.

I agree with Mark as well. Prisons are nothing more than Club Fed where you can get an education, learn a trade, have medical benefits, etc, while many on the outside will never have such privileges.

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What do you think the penalties for sex offenders should be?
Posted : 5 Dec, 2010 04:33 PM

What kind of sex offenders are we talking about here? A high school senior hooking up with her sophomore boyfriend? Probably nothing. A high school teacher diddling their student? Probably some serious probation or a short jail sentence. A public urinator? Probably a slap on the wrist/a night in jail.

A rapist though? Hung by his arms in public, castrated by shotgun, and then left until his arms fall off.

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What do you think the penalties for sex offenders should be?
Posted : 5 Dec, 2010 04:42 PM

Tulip, I would agree with you IF women always told the truth.

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What do you think the penalties for sex offenders should be?
Posted : 5 Dec, 2010 05:01 PM

I just think that the bible is full of mercy, until you abuse it. In the parable of the unmerciful servant, he was forgiven everything until he abused his freedom by abusing someone else for the same thing he was forgiven for. I believe there's a place for mercy in the justice system, but I believe it is a finite resource, because if you constantly show mercy in that arena, people are going to just continue murdering/raping/abusing without mercy. So...first offenses for serious crimes would merit prison sentences, etc....multiple offenses would be death or some kind of traumatizing imprisonment....maybe not to try to help that criminal per se, but to discourage others. Make them an example. Show people how wrong it is to be that selfish.


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What do you think the penalties for sex offenders should be?
Posted : 5 Dec, 2010 06:17 PM

tulip is on track in my opinion.

2sp as well.

but if he really did the crime, tiny incisions every day with a razor blade on his private.:angel:

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What do you think the penalties for sex offenders should be?
Posted : 5 Dec, 2010 11:31 PM

One issue with harsher punishments for crimes is that they lead to more severe crimes. I don't know where I can find statistics online to back me up, but I heard a debate on tv where they gave evidence that higher punishment for child molestation doesn't prevent the problem... What it does is give these mentally unhealthy people a good reason to kill their victims. If the victim can't tell, they're off scott-free, and in some cases that's what they do. I'm sure it's a very small increase in murders, but it's still something to think about.

I ran this information by a friend of mine who was raped as a child, to which he darkly responded, "Well maybe the kid would rather be dead."

And like Sparrow said, nowadays a girl can say almost anything was rape. I'm not saying all people who claim rape are liars, but it is a very messy situation that dishonest people are only making worse.

It's all a huge mess. I like to just give up and think, "God will handle it somehow."

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What do you think the penalties for sex offenders should be?
Posted : 6 Dec, 2010 09:16 AM

Put them in solitary confinement and let them rot there.

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What do you think the penalties for sex offenders should be?
Posted : 6 Dec, 2010 09:43 AM

Incarceration is NOT a just punishment or biblical. When justice is severed in the Bible it happened swift and immediate. If it was a lesser crime restitution was required if it was a greater crime it was the death penalty. And that doesn't mean sit them on death row for 10 years. Early America when someone was sentenced to death it was carried out by the end of the week. If we instituted the death penalty for more crimes, like sex offenses, you would see a radical change in the crime rate. The prisons would empty out, tax money would be saved from housing criminals. Yeah a few people would need to be made examples of and put to death but God never had a problem doing that, why as Christians should we? The bleeding hearts have stripped the church and this country of it's power. Yes we are to forgive our offenders but when a law is broken justice is required! That IS biblical!

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