Author Thread: We aint in Kansas anymore Toto...

We aint in Kansas anymore Toto...
Posted : 29 Nov, 2010 04:13 PM

World Blog NBC News 11/29/10

Christian woman faces death for blasphemy

�She was picking berries with other women, when she was sent to get water,� her husband said. �One of the women refused to drink the water after my wife dipped her cup into the bucket. This woman said it was contaminated because it was touched by a Christian.� According to Masih, all the women then started taunting his wife, and shouting insults against her mother and their children. Bibi just repeated the same insults back at them. �The name of the holy prophet never came up.�

Bibi, 45, is the first woman condemned to death under Pakistan�s blasphemy laws. While no one has ever been executed, most of the accused � all men � languish in prison alone and forgotten. Human rights groups point out that the law is a convenient way to settle scores, often among the Christian community who total about 2 million of Pakistan�s 175 million people.

At one rally, organized by �The Movement for the Protection of the Prophet�s Honor� denounced any attempt to change the law. �We are ready to sacrifice our life for the prophet,� they chanted.

*** Wake up AMERICA � Its coming to your Home Town soon ***

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We aint in Kansas anymore Toto...
Posted : 29 Nov, 2010 07:54 PM

"We are ready to sacrifice our life for prophet"


Perhaps America is going the way it is because not enough of us are willing to 'sacrifice our life for our Lord'

Just a thought.

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We aint in Kansas anymore Toto...
Posted : 30 Nov, 2010 08:30 AM

Ya caught that Horseman....:applause:...:yay:...:bouncy:...:peace:...:dancingp:...Exacatacaly...xo

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We aint in Kansas anymore Toto...
Posted : 30 Nov, 2010 08:48 AM

So true,-------So true, twosparrows. :prayingf:


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We aint in Kansas anymore Toto...
Posted : 30 Nov, 2010 03:36 PM

When the Christians in America do wake up, it maybe too late. If we are not already doing so, we need to pray for God to awaken the Christians here.

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