Author Thread: Lesson in real life

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Lesson in real life
Posted : 24 Nov, 2010 07:25 PM

Hi everyone, I�m new here but wanted to join in a little. I was wondering if God ever taught anyone here a lesson in real life like He taught me one time not too long ago. In my case, it was on an ordinary day after work. I was already working pretty late and only had a little time to get to Bible Study that evening. I was supposed to get there early to buy a message CD for a friend of mine. However, on this certain day, my skin was breaking out a little and I didn�t like it! Being caught with the unpardonable offense no woman should ever know, I didn�t have any makeup in my purse. No problem, I�ll just run to Wal-Mart! Of course, it didn�t matter that I had to get to Bible Study to ask about the CD for my friend, I could do it all if I hurry real fast! After all, I couldn�t possibly look anyone in the face! �I�ll just run in and out!�, I kept thinking. But God kept reminding me of the truth. In the back of my mind, I kept hearing, �Oh, no, you can�t�you know you should be on your way�time is running out�, and even more convicting, �This is pride, and you know it!� Anyway, I ran to the check-out, pulled out my wallet, paid and grabbed the bag to head out the door. I settled in my car and with some satisfaction I reached in the bag to find�.a pair of baby shoes!

Apparently, there was a mix-up at the check-out, and I grabbed the lady�s bag in front of me. God had not, and would not let me get away with my own interests when I should have been attending to someone else�s.

�Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind let each of you regard one another as more important than himself, do not merely look out for your own personal interests, but also for the interests of others.� (Phil. 2:3)

I had to laugh �cause I think I knew what God�s lesson was: �You came in for make-up, but I�m going to give you baby shoes. IF THE SHOE FITS, WEAR IT!

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Lesson in real life
Posted : 24 Nov, 2010 07:57 PM

And they were,"baby" shoes...Lol

What a great post, made me laugh and taught me a lesson without making me feeling condemned! :yay:

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Lesson in real life
Posted : 25 Nov, 2010 07:37 AM

Or rather, "IF THE SHOE FITS, GROW OUT OF IT!":laugh:

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Lesson in real life
Posted : 26 Nov, 2010 03:49 PM

That's at once humorous and edifying. May we all learn from it and avoid obtaining baby shoes. :)

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