Author Thread: The Lottery

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The Lottery
Posted : 18 Nov, 2010 03:48 PM

Should a Christian play the lottery?

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The Lottery
Posted : 18 Nov, 2010 04:23 PM


Could you do me a favor? I am very visual and would appreciate if you posted a picture of a rainbow, your pet rock...something!...:goofball:

Ok where was I? ..lottery, yes, I see it as many other activities the christian is free to participate in, but is not necessarily beneficial.

Gen 4:7

".....sin is crouching at your door; it desires to have you, but you must master it."

Rom 6:14

" For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law but under grace."

1Cor 6:12

"Everything is permissible for me---but not everything is beneficial. Everything is permissible---but not everything is constructive. "

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The Lottery
Posted : 19 Nov, 2010 05:19 AM


Perhaps if you had a photo of Two Sparrows then maybe Rain would consider your gracious request?

As for the Lottery, it seems to me that as Jesus was dying on The Cross that there was a Lottery going on for His Garments. Hmmm?

I wonder if a Lottery is a good thing for mankind? Let's see...thousands of people losing money (perhaps rent money or grocery money) so that one or two can make a Lot of money.

Thousands of people Losing money (and perhaps becoming Addicted to gambling) just so that a few (and that company and government) can make a lot of money.


Biblical? Common Sense? Morally Right?

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The Lottery
Posted : 19 Nov, 2010 09:25 AM


COOL PIC !!! :yay:


Although I agree with you to some extent, I am cautious about judging actives by the abuse of some.

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The Lottery
Posted : 19 Nov, 2010 09:49 AM

And yet, Twosparrows, your line of reasoning in the tattoo thread would suggest otherwise.:goofball:

Here's a question: Is it right for Christians to judge the morality of the activities of other people based on which ones they themselves enjoy?

I'm not trying to call you out or put you down. Please don't think that I am. I'm just trying to make you think about yourself.

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The Lottery
Posted : 19 Nov, 2010 01:20 PM

Ah Two...

...the Penquin with the radar brings up a very good point!

You do seem to play both sides of the street (huh?) sometimes (get my drift?). It's like you say things without really thinking about what you've said in another post.

"I am cautious about judging actives by the abuse of some." (your words)

I'm not real sure what you are getting at. I thought I was very clear as to my point -- that many have to suffer so that a few can profit (and profit hughly).

Is this a Christian way of doing things? I think not. While I have gambled in my past (poker) and I have also played the Lotto. I no longer do so, yet I will not point my finger at anyone that still does and shout "sinner!".

I just don't think that the Lottery is a Christian thing.

So...are you going to put up a photo of two sparrows now that rainbowian has put up a rainbow? (per your request)

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The Lottery
Posted : 19 Nov, 2010 07:35 PM

@penguinradar & Arch....Perhaps I have given you to much credit?

In the tatto post I discussed three things:

1) a humorous experience

2) the exact meaning of a specific O.T. verse

3) my opinion on how it applies to N.T. believers

If either of you can supply a verse that explicitly deals with gambling I will gladly do the same. The conflict appears to be in your own perception rather than what has been actually posted. However, I am open to a explanation of the accusation.

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The Lottery
Posted : 19 Nov, 2010 07:47 PM

The lottery, as a state-sanctioned "game" is something that defrauds people, especially the poor, who are more likely to play such games, thinking and expecting some miraculous deliverance. For many years, it was understood that the power of the state should not prey upon the weak, and thus, state lotteries were rare. Should a Christian participate in the lottery? Can we defend it as something that glorifies God or can be used to glorify God?

The lottery promises riches to all, but gives it to only a few; it utilizes deception and has the backing of the state leviathan. Its monies are squandered by the state, leading to more games and more government without really addressing any social ills it purports to solve (only Georgia has ever administered a lottery responsibly). It impresses people with the desire to get rich, and that money is the key to happiness. I do not see how this glorifies God.

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The Lottery
Posted : 20 Nov, 2010 06:10 PM

I agree completely with SilverFire.

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The Lottery
Posted : 20 Nov, 2010 07:59 PM

i just think it's according to your convictions.

Humans find a way to abuse anything and everything but does that ruin it for those who may be responsible and not over the top?

I have played the lottery a handful of times in the past but feel it's a waste of time and money. I really believe it's according to your own convictions, if you dont feel right doing it, there is a reason :)

as in everyting else, use caution...

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The Lottery
Posted : 27 Nov, 2010 08:53 PM

In addition to what Silverfire has said, it seems a lot of the people who win tend to be unhappy. And while I would say they have a higher divorce rate,that may not be the case. Also it seems they are more prone to scams and squaner their money faster, since they get into tue greed mode.

I personally would not play the lotto, simply because it has been imbedded in my mind that gambling is sin. Not only that, but I would not want to waste my money on something that is not a sure deal. But then again, I do have stocks, and those Are not necessarily a sure thing.

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