Author Thread: Love the Greatest commandment

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Love the Greatest commandment
Posted : 6 Nov, 2010 06:27 PM

The position of no divorce and its many variants all ignore select passages that fly into the face of their doctrines, worshiping the letter of the law instead of the scriptural context and cultural/contextual understanding of the day in which it was written.

To permit divorce forces a number of things to be dealt with that some cannot accept, such as Church Discipline, getting involved, leaving ones comfort zone, dealing with personal sins, shortcomings, and responsibilities. Ministering to the fatherless and the Widow ( Surely a single parent and children qualifies in the spirit of this law) Generally it will not permit the church to be lazy and lukewarm in its responses.

It also forces us to wrestle with one fact that is inescapable regardless of your theology.


God gave us minds and wills!!! To attempt to hold one accountable for the other is to say that I have control over your mind and will and can make you do, etc, etc, etc.

A �No Divorce� position does just this and Ignores many scriptures such as these

Ezra 10 Priests ordered to divorce wives

Jer 3 God Divorces Israel

Mat 1 Joseph being a Just Man,,, was minded to put Mary away privately

Jer 3 Putting away of wife

1 Cor 7;27,28 loosed, from a wife, no sin to marry

The simplest definition of marriage in the bible (EX.21:10) The Duty of marriage to provide Food, Clothing, Love in marriage is correct. God does the same for us, Likewise we are responsible also to do the same.

No divorce escapes this responsibility by their position.

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Love the Greatest commandment
Posted : 6 Nov, 2010 10:22 PM

Guess it all depends on if you are under law or grace; old covenant or new. Rather than CDFF perhaps this would be a better post for OJDFF (Orthodox Jewish Dating for Free):winksmile:

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Love the Greatest commandment
Posted : 10 Nov, 2010 05:48 PM

I'd recommend the book, "Grace for divorce." But law or grace; old covenant or new is really another topic altogether. What I'm talking about is so many churches that seem to condemn divorced people. By declaring divorce and remarriage is adultery and that no adulterers will enter the kingdom of heaven they condemn the divorced believers even suggesting they can loose their salvation. How can any divorced Christians seek marriage until they know it is acceptable to God. If we do anything without faith that it is right, it will become a sin to us. Churches want to help marriages stay together but offer no help for divorced believers wanting to marry. Jesus was asked about divorce according to the Law but He answered concerning the heart and hardness of heart.

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Love the Greatest commandment
Posted : 12 Nov, 2010 10:10 PM

I have to respectfully disagree. Old covenant/New Covenant, Law vs Grace strikes at the very heart of this matter. It leads me to believe you may have a different understanding of the New Covenant.

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Love the Greatest commandment
Posted : 16 Nov, 2010 01:18 PM

I'm a little skeptical of those who throw out the Old Testament as under the Law. I've read the entire Bible and believe all scripture is good for edification. If you try to examine this topic in particular (divorce and remarriage) without the Old Testament understanding you risk adding to the scriptures what is not there.

Clearly we are not under it is written

"All things are lawful," but not all things are helpful. "All things are lawful," but not all things build up (1 Cor 10:23).


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Love the Greatest commandment
Posted : 16 Nov, 2010 01:49 PM

Good to see you back shepardingking

Yes I agree , but we fullfil the law by following the Spirit. Scripture outlines the general desire of God concerning marriage and permissions for divorce. Yet without the Spirit this falls short ; it is not enough. There are conceivable situations where the law permits divorce but the Spirit says "No" The Holy Spirit will not guide one in conflict with the scriptures yet there are times when a person has no choice other than rely on the Grace of God.

For me that pretty much covers marriage and divorce.


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Love the Greatest commandment
Posted : 17 Nov, 2010 12:58 PM

Yes,I need a new computer. I'm stuck borrowing others.

The confusion comes when the Law is treated as a way of salvation. And it is plain no one is saved by keeping the law. It was given to Moses for the people coming out of Egypt so they would take the promised land. They had mixed success.

The promise of salvation by faith preceded the Law of Moses. And those who lived by faith i.e. Abraham Noah etc were saved never hearing the Law of Moses. The bible says these things were written about them for our admonition or teaching. It is also why the Law was given. It was to be a teaching tool (schoolmaster). And that is how we should receive it. God used it to teach them how to live but it is not the WAY of salvation. Because Jesus is the only WAY. But we can still glean truth from the O.T. and even the Law of Moses. The only real controversy I have found is with the sabbath keeping.

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Love the Greatest commandment
Posted : 17 Nov, 2010 02:46 PM

Yes I have mixed feelings about Sabbath keeping also. From scripture it is difficult to discern if in Jesus being its ultimate fulfillment is still meant to be kept.

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Love the Greatest commandment
Posted : 17 Nov, 2010 08:56 PM

It's not about salvation though, it's about a witness that you put God first. Doesn't earn you anything, but the fact that you put God first and set aside a time for Him(preferably on the day He asked for, imho), is a sign to others that your life is centered around God and not yourself.

1 John 5:1 Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him also that is begotten of him. 2By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments. 3For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.


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