Author Thread: pen names

pen names
Posted : 2 Nov, 2010 12:07 PM

Do you think it is deceitful for a writer to use a pen name?

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pen names
Posted : 2 Nov, 2010 01:57 PM

It depends on the reason for using a pen name. If a pen name is used because an author does not want worldly fame and recognition to follow them around, that's probably fine. It lets them maintain their anonymity so that they can do what they love (write) without having to deal with rabid fans!

If an author is using a pen name because they do not want their other works to be associated with a particular work, that's probably deceitful. For example, if a well-known Christian author wrote a graphic, lewd romance novel, and published it under a pen name to avoid being associated with it (but still wanted to reap the monetary benefits), that would be wrong. The reverse is the same also. If a secular writer uses a pen name to appeal to the Christian crowd, that seems deceitful because I might not want to buy a book that would support that author.

Goodness, that sounded confusing when I went back and read it...I guess that's why I'm not a writer!!! Maybe my general thought process can be gleaned from the gibberish, at least!

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pen names
Posted : 3 Nov, 2010 11:48 AM

Thanks, bc =) I was thinking along the same lines, so it's nice to get confirmation that I'm on the right path there. I'm thinking of using a pen name for some stuff that I'm working on.

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pen names
Posted : 3 Nov, 2010 04:11 PM

A lot of authors use pen names just because their own name is not very marketable or appealing, or maybe it is too common. Songwriters, actors, and many other people in performing arts use stage names. I use a stage name because I am the only person in the country with my name and I don't want to let people know what it is. It can make me far to easy to find. Not that I'm hiding but it is more of a security thing, you know?


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pen names
Posted : 6 Nov, 2010 04:20 PM

Thunder brings up a good point. In the blogosphere, pen names are common due to security/privacy concerns.

I don't think there's anything inherently wicked about not using your real name. It depends on your reasons for doing so. I would rather use a pen name than my own, because doing so allows people to focus on the writing instead of psychoanalyzing me. :laugh:

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pen names
Posted : 6 Nov, 2010 07:23 PM

Ditto @ ThunderofGod and SilverFire.... ~GraceMae

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pen names
Posted : 7 Nov, 2010 01:49 PM

Thanks for the continued feedback. It's nice to get insight into the various facets of this issue.

Now, I just need help selecting a pen name. I had one in mind, but want to pick out a new one now, because of what I associate with the old one (which was never actually used).

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