Author Thread: Churches and Haunted Houses

Churches and Haunted Houses
Posted : 19 Oct, 2010 09:40 AM

This is somewhere in the same line as Pixy's Halloween question. Should churches organize and host Haunted Houses, even if it is in the name of bringing others to Christ? I'm not talking about the type of programs that many churches had in the 90's based upon real life situations. I'm talking about dealing with the occult, such as in Paranorma, Exorcists or Blair Witch Project.

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Churches and Haunted Houses
Posted : 19 Oct, 2010 06:05 PM

Is this something the church would do if Jesus came to the organizational meeting? If Jesus was going to come as Himself would they take Him through the haunted house? If Jesus was there do you think that anyone who came out of the haunted house would want to follow Him anywhere after He just took part in terrifying them? Absolutely, the church should have a haunted house, in fact if they think it's okay perhaps they should just open their doors and invite people in because I doubt there is any difference.


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Churches and Haunted Houses
Posted : 19 Oct, 2010 06:23 PM

Wow what a great idea!

Maybe we could serve free liquor, hand out free joints and have a brothel up stairs. Just think of all the alcoholics, drug users and fornicators we could get into church!!!

Ok maybe I'm a bit over the top here. . .sorry. . .(kinda of) hehehe

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Churches and Haunted Houses
Posted : 19 Oct, 2010 07:19 PM

This is a real situation. A church that I use to go to, is actually doing this very thing. A lot of people seem to be supportive of it, and I'm trying to figure what reason they have.

For me there is a lot of personal conflict. On the one hand, I totally disagree with the idea of any church messing with the occult, especially since the Bible says to stay away. But on the flip side, this is a church where I still have lots of friends. And while I hate to think of any church that I've belong to, of having become worldly, yet unfortunately, from other aspects, I believe this church has.

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Churches and Haunted Houses
Posted : 19 Oct, 2010 07:43 PM

Twosparrows, aren't those the kind of people that are in the church now? Oh, Maybe I pushed the envelope too far. sorry, kinda.


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Churches and Haunted Houses
Posted : 19 Oct, 2010 07:51 PM


This is a very sad situation. I remember there being a Christian ministry that had a haunted house and our youth group went to it. This happened in the 70's. I thought it was very strange after I saw what it was.

I would think this kind of an event is a terribly wrong thing for a church to do. I would pray that they wake up and smell the coffee and repent. I believe a church that behaves like this will eventually see trouble in their ranks and division is coming. The enemy seeks to divide and weaken the church and he succeeds way too often.

Those of us who see the darkness are the ones to shine the light on it. The word rebuke literally means to expose. It was often used in the sense of taking the lid off of a box to reveal what is inside of it. The leadership of this church should be sharply rebuked for this.

What's their address? :rocknroll:


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Churches and Haunted Houses
Posted : 19 Oct, 2010 08:40 PM

No way...churches shouldn't host/sponser haunted houses.


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Churches and Haunted Houses
Posted : 20 Oct, 2010 10:43 PM

Nobody wants to see the beloved children's minister dressed like a tacky Freddy Kruger....

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Churches and Haunted Houses
Posted : 21 Oct, 2010 08:59 AM

No churches shouldn't host haunted houses. I've heard of some churches that do a "judgment house" sort of thing, but they use it as a witnessing tool...still not sure how I feel about that, though. I guess it depends on exactly how it's done and presented.

I think the good alternative is to have a Fall Festival, with games, non-scary costumes, food, and fun for every age.

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Churches and Haunted Houses
Posted : 22 Oct, 2010 03:39 PM

He who plays with fire will get burnt.

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Churches and Haunted Houses
Posted : 27 Oct, 2010 06:21 PM

"He who plays with fire will get burnt. "


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