Author Thread: Do you think it's okay to compromise in order to reach the lost?

Do you think it's okay to compromise in order to reach the lost?
Posted : 16 Oct, 2010 01:52 PM

Recently in one of the chat rooms, someone said some things that were considered offensive. To justify himself, he said that in witnessing to the youth on the streets, one must compromise in order to have street cred. What do you think? Should we as Christians compromise are lifestyles just to reach others who are lost?

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Do you think it's okay to compromise in order to reach the lost?
Posted : 16 Oct, 2010 02:01 PM

And I'm not just talking compromises in how we talk, but in other ways as well.

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Do you think it's okay to compromise in order to reach the lost?
Posted : 16 Oct, 2010 02:14 PM

Kat, I am so glad you made this as a discussion! And I'm here to offer my opinion on the matter.

I think it is wrong to compromise morals and values to reach out to others. Because I was in the chat room that night, I know exactly what was said. A member used the word "gay" in reference to something being stupid/silly/lame. Rather than use a different word, this member chose a term that society has corrupted and twisted.

I was offended by the remark. Because I am tired of people, Christians included, using the word "gay" in that manner. Gay is not synonymous with stupid. And its offensive and ignorant to use that word in that way. When someone does something that is less than intelligent, do you feel it appropriate to use the word "retarded"? Yes? Then I am just as ashamed. And disappointed. I would hope a person wouldn't use that word out of context either.

Its because society today feels the need to take these words and distort them. Its disgusting. And ignorant.

His basis for using this word was like you said. To establish street cred with todays youth. That if you don't use this language, you simply cannot reach out and connect with them. I find this to be false. And I find that speaking to them in that way does not help your case but hinders it. Shouldn't we be teaching todays youth how to not just be good Christians but also good citizens? If you believe that todays educational system has lapsed, then isn't it our responsibility to encourage education outside schools?

I think we should be explaining to the youth why using certain words is offensive. That their language carries weight.

To compromise these morals and values is, in my opinion, wrong. And I think it speaks negatively about your role as a Christian.

Did Christ compromise Himself? Did He compromise His values and morals in order to get "street cred"? Did He lower His Christian standard to be well-liked and popular?

As a member of groups such as Gay/Straight Alliance and Quaker/Friend/Christian and as a person on this planet, I find using words like "gay" in that fashion to be disturbing. And its a choice everyone has to make.

Will you compromise for the sake of a failing social structure? Or will you work that much harder to share morals and values and really work to make the world a better place?

I imagine some people do not find this to be that big of a deal. But it is. Words have meaning. Society distorts these words and their meaning. And we continue as if nothing is wrong.

As a Christian, and believe me Quakers are Christians, I am ashamed. I am disappointed that so many ignore this.

But I am thankful for those that stand up. To those that were in the chat that night, you know who you are. Kat. Cat. Brian. And others. Thank you for your efforts and help. Thank you for not compromising yourself as a Christian in order to somehow garnish or maintain "street cred".


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Do you think it's okay to compromise in order to reach the lost?
Posted : 16 Oct, 2010 04:07 PM

No way. Never compromise the truth to convert someone. You'll end up with half-converted people and they will trample the truth.


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Do you think it's okay to compromise in order to reach the lost?
Posted : 16 Oct, 2010 05:08 PM

He who does not compromise has respect.

The compromiser never has respect. They always give something up that is precious.Dennis

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Do you think it's okay to compromise in order to reach the lost?
Posted : 16 Oct, 2010 07:37 PM

No I do not think it is ok to compromise truth to reach the lost. And based on the post explaining this thread I would say the guy is using weak or wrong excuses for why he uses the gay word like he does. That is nothing, what is amazing is the offense that is being taken. Are you serious? People please stop getting offended by every little thing that blows a different direction. This is a major fault/problem with this country today. Also remember even though the name says Christians there are few real Christians here.

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Do you think it's okay to compromise in order to reach the lost?
Posted : 16 Oct, 2010 08:19 PM

I am not even remotely kidding. I find the poor use of language and the lack of caring to be disturbing.

I don't see this as a small issue. If it were, then so many people wouldn't be involved.

I'm so tired of this being something that people just shrug their shoulders at. And I'm not ashamed of calling that person out on it. And I am thankful for those that also stood up to ignorance.

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Do you think it's okay to compromise in order to reach the lost?
Posted : 16 Oct, 2010 09:03 PM

First of all, this was not meant to call out the person. I specifically did not use the person's name, and tried to keep this situation vague for that reason.

Second, I wanted your ideas in regards to compromise.

That being said. I do not believe we should compromise our standards for the world. I believe the minute we do, the world looks at us and judges us as Hypocrites. Now, understand, I realize that we will sin, but there is a difference between continually sinning, and slipping up.

Using words that offend someone, even if they are in a lifestyle that we disagree with, to me is a form of sinning, since we intentionally are hurting someone else, and possibly causing them to not want Christ.

The fact is, if we are willing to compromise in one area, where else may we compromise?

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Do you think it's okay to compromise in order to reach the lost?
Posted : 17 Oct, 2010 04:49 AM

The whole nonuse of the word "gay" is nothing more than letting homosexuals set the rules of behavior. If you don't believe me, then check out what other rules homosexual bigots have set up -- now Christians are to blame whenever a homosexual kills him or herself, because of some poorly reasoned something or another. Now Christians cannot complain about teaching pro-homosexual sex-ed in schools; and on and on it goes. If you give evil an inch, it takes a mile -- always.

When Christians allow themselves to be controlled and corralled by the unsaved, they have already given up the fight.

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Do you think it's okay to compromise in order to reach the lost?
Posted : 17 Oct, 2010 02:41 PM

What I find comical is using the term "gay" to mean homosexual. I would think that if someone was homosexual...being called gay (which is slang) would be offensive since its original use was as an insult. Gay by definition means happy...and when the term was first used to represent a homosexual, it was because they were "too happy" or "gay". Ah but then there are alot of words who've had their definitions mutilated over time...

Just think the flintstones having a gay old time nowadays would have a VERY different connotation to todays children.

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Do you think it's okay to compromise in order to reach the lost?
Posted : 17 Oct, 2010 04:42 PM

paschen81 I was thinking the exact same thing!

First off I am not going to be over sensitive to a bunch of perverts that are destroying our country. They are not a recognized people group like Asian, African, American, etc... nor are they a gender like male or female, what they are are perverts flaunting their perversion in front everyone including our kids. What about rapist should we be sensitive to their feelings? What about Pornographers? Murders? Pedophilia? Liars? Adulterers? Drunkards? Thieves? Fornicators? Where does it stop?

It is not that I don't agree with their life style, I could really careless but they are after our kids, they will destroy our society, ultimately they will bring God's judgment on us for not standing up and putting a stop to this gross perversion. Instead we embrace them, make them feel welcomed, tell them they are ok, when they are rebels against God like the rest of us once were. They will face His wrath and if you really care so much tell them about the wrath that is to come! They all need the same thing! They all need to be shown love by telling them the truth and the good news of the gospel, and if done right, will be far more offensive than a silly little name being used derogatorily.

There are a lot of things Christians need to take a stand for but being upset over how the word gay is being used is not one of them. And that does not come close to compromising the truth or Christian values.

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