Author Thread: Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 4 Oct, 2010 04:52 PM

Is sexual intimacy acceptable for men and women who are Christ followers? Do we have a different standard for dating? Please be able to defend your position from a biblical perspective.

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 4 Oct, 2010 08:10 PM

Check out the thread on fornication.


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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 5 Oct, 2010 11:31 AM

I need to clarify my question as the fornication discussion doesn't apply to what I am asking.

The majority of Christians already know that fornication is not permissible and it is a sin if you engaged in it. I am referring to the other sexual acts that Christ follower's are engaging in.

I've heard men and women alike say at least we are not "knowing each other" in the biblical sense of the word but have no hesitation when performing other acts.

My question is a bit different from the fornication discussion.

Is it okay for Christian Men and Women to engage in other sexual acts as long as they are not going all the way?

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 5 Oct, 2010 11:56 AM

Like taking nude pictures of each other? Or kissing too passionately?

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 5 Oct, 2010 12:55 PM

Taking photos and using web cameras without fig leaves on, and kissing other areas of the body, (this is a g rated site) I am sure you can figure out what I am referring to.

Is that acceptable as Christian men and women? Do we have the same standards as the world does?

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 5 Oct, 2010 01:07 PM

Well, everyone has a different definition of sex and sexual acts. For some people, a short kiss could be highly erotic and they may need to draw the line with hugging. Actually, I've talked to some guys who have said they can't even hug a girl w/out getting aroused. So, I think each couple would need to spend time in prayer regarding where they ought to draw the line.

I don't think the question here is so much what acts specifically are okay and which ones aren't, but more if the couple is remaining pure, which is much more all-encompassing. Although I would hope, as followers of Christ and the Word, that we could agree that nudity and any touching or kissing of the sex organs are inappropriate before marriage.

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 5 Oct, 2010 01:09 PM

And where a couple draws the line may change over time. An example of this would be that women tend to be more easily aroused at certain points of their menstrual cycles. In such times, the line may need to be in a different place than it is for the rest of the month.

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 5 Oct, 2010 01:25 PM

Great thoughts you are very wise. Unfortunately not every man I've met has the same view as I do concerning purity. I've known men who have insisted on heavy petting and couldn't restrain themselves. Personally I think the best way to avoid temptation is not to set yourself up for failure. Make sure you don't visit each other's home unless there are other people around.

Passionate kissing in the mouth should be reserved for the wedding night.

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 5 Oct, 2010 05:28 PM

If you have two people who are willing to listen to one another, respect one another, and are firmly committed to pursuing purity, then everything takes care of itself. (I shouldn't need to say this, but of course you must do this as the Lord directs you because you will not make it under your own power.)

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 6 Oct, 2010 05:44 AM

You are absolutely right. We have to be committed to moral purity no matter what it will cost. The Lord will honor us if we honor Him with our bodies.

It's not that easy however, with God all things are possible. Greater is He that is within us than he that is in the world.

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Is sexual intimacy acceptable for Christian Men or Women?
Posted : 6 Oct, 2010 08:09 AM

Perhaps a good guideline is this: If I even have to wonder if I'm going "too far" with a guy that I'm not married to, then I probably am.

Another one that I've heard is: Would you do that (whatever "that" might be) in front of your mother? If not, don't do it before marriage.

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