Author Thread: A prayer for a man who said he had honor

A prayer for a man who said he had honor
Posted : 9 Aug, 2010 08:46 AM

I wanted to love you everyday of your life. You promised to legally make me your wife. Then you broke your promise to God and to me. If we are one, how can you treat me this way? You shut off your phone and leave me alone. In your arms I told you was my home. You used to be happy and never swear at me. How could you tell your ex I was a job lady? Just some lady you may bodyguard for? I've tried to love you but you've closed the door. I don't understand why you used to love me. All the words you said that made me happy- before you swore and were cold to me. I used to be your gift from heaven. Now you swore and you are leavin. I'm tired of begging you to stay. I guess if you want to I'' let you walk away. You promised to marry me this summer.As a man of God and Honor. You asked me have I ever lied to you? Summer is over so what is true? How could you ask me aren't we One? When to others I'm a just a job or a girlfriend? Under the covers you say I'm your WIFE. But in public I can't touch you without anger or strife. Why can't you keep your promise to God and to me? And give me your name and love legally.

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A prayer for a man who said he had honor
Posted : 9 Aug, 2010 03:58 PM

When the one who said he'd always love you, changes his mind and won't say 'I do'. Pick yourself up, make sure you dust off yo behind. Throw up your middle and index finger, show him the peace sign. You are better than that, don't ever plead and beg. You are the head and not the tail, that's what the Bible says. Go get God's Word, fast and pray too. God has good plans and a husband just for you.

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A prayer for a man who said he had honor
Posted : 10 Aug, 2010 06:35 PM


God shows us the BAD guys so we can truely enjoy the GOOD ones when they show up for us. Dont get discouraged. God has a plan for you, you just dont see it yet! Keep praying and talking to Him!

God Bless You,


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A prayer for a man who said he had honor
Posted : 13 Aug, 2010 09:08 PM

It sounds like this relationship was not one that was ordained from God. Have you read the book "When God Writes Your Lovestory" by Leslie and Eric Ludy? There are specific paramaters and boundaries that as Christians we need to maintain. When I read in your post something about "when I am under the covers you say I am your wife" I really have to wonder if you were physically intimate with this man and he was calling you his wife but you weren't married these are signs that this is NOT a God-ordained relationship. As for wondering if there are any good guys out there who are men of honor and integrity, there are. But I feel your pain. It is hard when we have been burned but the Bible says to judge a thing by it's fruit. If there was already sin in this relationship and you were not honoring God, it doesn't mean that there are no "good guys" out there, just that you need to make sure that your actions (as well as your potential spouse or dating partner's) actually match your convictions. It is also a wise idea to have godly accountability when dating....these are just some Biblically based suggestions that will help you to guard your heart dear. be blessed :)

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A prayer for a man who said he had honor
Posted : 14 Aug, 2010 06:11 AM

faithfullfriend in your love story

you've been faithful and true

In your every lines i felt the misery

you've been through....

But you've missed the words


For He delivers you

Out of the deceitful man

Whom you just said I do.

Keep on PUSHing

(pray until something happen)


MAy be the best is yet to come in God's perfect timing.

God bless you.


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A prayer for a man who said he had honor
Posted : 17 Aug, 2010 08:14 AM

I hope you change your prayer to "Prayer for Wisdom in Finding the Right Man of God". I agree with the posts here,

pick up the pieces, lift your head high, walk towards your future, and thank God for the lessons learned (I hope).

You are a child of God, the daughter of the King of kings, heir to Heaven, a royal priesthood, the apple of God's eye, so why in the world do you keep running after someone who is not serious about you at all? And please don't beg for affection, that is not real love!

Stop wallowing in self-pity and affirm your calling as a Christian -"in all things God works for the GOOD of those who love Him, those who were called according to His good purpose." (Romans 8:28)

You hurt. Turn to God for comfort and strength.

"You are my Refuge and my Shield; I have put my hope in your commands." (Psalm 119:114)

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A prayer for a man who said he had honor
Posted : 18 Aug, 2010 05:01 AM

Dear faithful Friend,

i understand you are hurt. You must be really in love with your man.Sometimes we women are serious with them, but we can't control what's in their mind. sometimes promises are just made to be broken. Its true take your time to grieve, mourn of that betrayal . Next time pray a lot, God will always be your strength to bring up that pieces again. I know its difficult, it seemed we'll never fall in love again, maybe tha's life..We may have loved and lost everything, but in the end, there is still that one man, that is rightfully ours, who deserves our love than that unworthy man...Be strong, just cry when you need to, you fought for your love, but this man denied you, keep praying, and more, you have yor children, they are blessings, remember, your lover will always leave you, but not your children... you are much better than any other lonely woman in this planet, they are precious, just wait and don't hurry love, be certain next time... there are still good men, good men who will never make you cry...

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A prayer for a man who said he had honor
Posted : 19 Aug, 2010 08:47 PM

A man you get under the covers with when not married with never respect you. I am not saying you deserve what you got but when you got under the covers the relationship was doomed to end as it did. A man will respect a woman who will respect herself. I made the same mistake many times as well and as a result I have a line of failed relationships. I won't ever do that again. I want a woman I can respect and love for the rest of my life and never have evil thoughts of her or treat her like she is easy.

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A prayer for a man who said he had honor
Posted : 27 Aug, 2010 06:21 PM

Well put Scott. I was ina dating relationship that did turn into sin and everything changed- we both fell away from the lord and I broke that off and haven't dated since( 9 months) I repented, got close to God and learned a valuable lesson - to honor God above ANYTHING else. I want God's blessings on my life. I do go out with a christian lady now from time to time and we bring God with us.

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A prayer for a man who said he had honor
Posted : 30 Aug, 2010 04:50 AM

Taking God with you on a date!! Great idea!! Maybe if Jesus is sitting in the back seat, at the 3rd chair, or walking beside the time will be better spent.

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