Author Thread: Where have all the good men gone?

Where have all the good men gone?
Posted : 9 Aug, 2010 08:37 AM

When men break their vows to God and to women, and then forget to be forgiven. When they privately say we are One. Then to others oh, she's just someone... are there any men out there for real who understand how a woman feels? She doesn't want to be a tramp or bore but wants someone to love her more. a man not ashamed to let her be called his wife, someone to love everyday of her life; a man who won't change and swear or shut off his phone and punish her, threaten or leave her alone, until with tears she comes back to him- only to be hurt by his next whim. I ask you is it our lot to just take every broken promise and hurt he chooses to make, when this man says he's a friend of God- are we bad? are we odd? To stick to our standards and want him for real, not just empty lies that are so hard to heal? Some of my best friends are guys honorable and true. But they aren't available. Are YOU?

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Where have all the good men gone?
Posted : 10 Aug, 2010 06:05 PM

Amen and Amen Sister!

but also we cannot forget that there are also some women who do the same things to the good guys who are out there! my cousin is a Sweet guy! hes the best friend youd ever want but he always gets the "bad" girls. i think that its just the "good" guys or girls who have to weed out the bad before we find the ones were truely supposed to be with! God has a purpose for putting you with all the Losers! Its so you will notice THE RIGHT ONE when he knocks on your door!

God Bless,


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Where have all the good men gone?
Posted : 10 Aug, 2010 07:37 PM

We wonder the exact same thing about all good women.

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Where have all the good men gone?
Posted : 13 Aug, 2010 08:20 AM

At some point wondering becomes a waste of time.

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Where have all the good men gone?
Posted : 17 Aug, 2010 08:18 AM

I agree. Consistent denial only delays the healing process and prevents proper focus that makes the right one slip by unnoticed :-)


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Where have all the good men gone?
Posted : 18 Aug, 2010 12:20 AM

Sometimes we meet the wrong ones first so that next time we have our lessons learned.Yes, its always, women will always the losers, the one who will be hurt the most.Maybe, despite the kindness and, everything is forgotten, only that when a man truly loves you, he will not make you wait for nothing.Men should know, we believe in what they say, because there is trust, but, believe the best is yet to come for teh brokenhearted.Sometimes it takes so long to wait for Mr. right, "Love is patient anyway."There are still a few good men out there, let them find you, in everything there is a time under heaven....

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Where have all the good men gone?
Posted : 19 Aug, 2010 08:39 PM

I am so sorry you have experienced such poor treatment from any man. A man who loves his wife like Christ loves the church should never do all those things. This is why God meant marriage to be such a sacred institution. Both, but we are talking about the man here, must be prepared to act Christ-like even when they feel they are not treated well. We are to love our wives unconditionally.

If goes for the ladies as well. Both sexes are only human and will sin often, some more than others, but we are to continue to love our mate even when they blow it. It is that love that can quickly heal the conflict and bring the couple back to a loving stance.

A woman has an instinct to always know that they are loved, desired and pursued. The pursuit does not end at I Do! She wants to feel important to her husband everyday just like before the marriage when he would have done anything to win her heart.

Men need to feel appreciated at all times. Adam was born in the wild. Eve was born in the garden. Men are warriors and desire to be daring like a warrior. Not only for his wife but for the world in general. We need to take chances and we want to catch the fine haired beauty.

This can not end at the marriage vows. the woman does not cease to be desired and the man does not cease to want appreciation and to be daring.

I could go on and maybe will another time but we can see why divorce is so prevalent in society. Man and women simply do not know what the other needs for the rest of their lives. Not just for a year or two.

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Where have all the good men gone?
Posted : 22 Aug, 2010 11:32 AM

I often wonder why I have countless men "look" at my profile and sometimes they look many times....but NEVER reply to my profile!! As a woman I feel its not my place to make an advance or inquiry.Im old fashioned and I know what I am worthy of " In Christ". This is extremely perplexing to me!! Maybe a guy would want to reply to this?Or maybe not!! LOL:angel:

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Where have all the good men gone?
Posted : 25 Aug, 2010 10:15 AM

Billy Graham was asked how many people could God effectively use. His answer was 25%, then this was found,from The Holy Spirit to me,D.L. Moody of Moody Bible Institute was asked the same question and replied, "Nine out of ten Christians are of no use to the Lord and as a matter of fact are standing in the way!!!" That is 10%!!! Then someone who I have been praying to give credit to said only 5%, The most amazing jolt and answer to the truth of living the normal Christian life came from Oswalt Chambers in his book Devotions for Deeper Life in essence said "During a revival The Holy Spirit can sway the whole church with His Presence. The atmosphere is marvelous. People are rejoicing. But only 1% of them ever victoriously serve Christ!!! So now you know why it is so hard to find what I call a "Practicing Christian!!!" In another writing he made it even more clear to me. "Jesus words always got to the right place because he surrendered His intelligence to the Father. Our brain and our tongue will never be in the right place unless we learn to obey The Holy Spirit in our moment by moment thinking!!! Use your W.I.T.S.---1) Walking ( 2 Corinthians 10:5,Joshua 1:8); 2) Instintively- in (as the blinking of the eye, as natural as breathing, as natural as the beating of the heart);(Prov.3:5,6); 3) Total-dependancy on;(when your will is in the ascendancy,heavenlies,(not in "lust of the eyes,lust of the flesh and the pride of life!!!(1 John 2:16); 4)Spirit-filled-situations-second by second!!! If you turn to The Holy Spirit in that moment, "when Christ stands on one side of an issue and my will on the other, then I have to choose whom I will serve. If you choose The Holy Spirit(John 16:7) then He gets all of the Glory!!! "apart from Me you can do nothing"(John 15:5b); Holy Spirit to David in Atlanta

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Where have all the good men gone?
Posted : 3 Sep, 2010 06:58 PM


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Where have all the good men gone?
Posted : 4 Sep, 2010 08:54 AM

Because you have no photo. I will never look at a person's profile without a photo. What are you hiding?

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