Author Thread: Should Christians ignore intemperance in a potential partner?

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Should Christians ignore intemperance in a potential partner?
Posted : 7 Jul, 2010 07:41 PM

There have been many posts about drinking/smoking/drugs/sex and everyone comes to a pretty clear consensus that intemperance in those areas is not something they want in a marriage partner or even something that should be in a christian life. I'm sure everyone here has a little soap-box about drugs, or sex, or whatever. Doing drugs or chain smoking is's damaging mentally and physically. However, there is one more that I think goes along with those forms of intemperance. I just want to bring it up and see if anyone thinks there is a difference between alcoholism/drug abuse/chain smoking/sex addiction and obesity, and also how the degrees correlate. much drinking would you tolerate in a marriage partner vs. how much sex/smoking/drugs/over-eating, or would you date someone that is only half-way a alcoholic? It's a little surprising that many people want everyone to ignore a form/degree of intemperance in their life that they themselves would not overlook in someone else. I guess the questions much/which forms of intemperance would you overlook in a marriage partner? Are some worse than others to you? Should we be cautious about all of them?


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Should Christians ignore intemperance in a potential partner?
Posted : 8 Jul, 2010 12:56 AM

Personally I say no alcohol at all. Though the balance can be drawn on what controls you. Do these things control the person. While there is some medicinal use for these things Alcohol is widely used in very small quantities for potions & medicines. But more than one drink begins to become toxic for the body and looses any medicinal benefit .

We should not have any gods before the Lord. If someone has these addictions they are right there before God and need to go.

I would not date a heroin addict, crack head, speed freak or alcoholic. They need healed.

They should see the problem in light of Romans 7:15, "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do." The addict must first see their need for healing and desire change.

Having said that, prescription drugs can also have hidden side effects that harm a relationship. Even though a Doctor (god in a smock) may have said it is OK. Psychotropic and anti depressant drugs such as Prosaic, Paxil, Zanex or Wellbuturin are over prescribed and may be harmful in the long run. Herbal remedies can be used daily. They come from plants. What is produced in a drug lab should not saturate the body long term like that.

Believe it or not the only thing I might consider to be healthy is the medical :nicenurse: marijuana. I have seen it's effects over the years beginning in the 60's. At worst, it can turn you into a glutenous sluggard.

But like anything, what it basically boils down to is, do you control it or does it controls you? :excited:

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Should Christians ignore intemperance in a potential partner?
Posted : 8 Jul, 2010 08:10 AM

Nothing should EVER be overlooked. They should be dealt with head-on. Having said that, none of us are perfect and as long we are striving... Personally, I would have issue with too much TV, a quick temper, drug over-use of any kind and too little interest in sex. Everybody is going to have different levels of tolerance.

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Should Christians ignore intemperance in a potential partner?
Posted : 8 Jul, 2010 12:42 PM

Intemperance~ Meaning

1~excessive or immoderate indulgence in alcoholic beverages.

2~excessive indulgence of appetite or passion.

3~lack of moderation or due restraint, as in action or speech.

4~an act or instance of any of these: a long series of intemperances

IMO an personal experience�NO !�We as Christians Should not ( Practice ) Ignorance or Over-Look of anything�A Red Flag is Red for a reason an purpose�GOD says �MY people Die from lack of Knowledge�

Moderation of Substances that are Addictive in nature is dancein & playin with the Devil an SIN. There is NO moderation when it comes to SIN. A person either is Abstaining or Indulging in IT. No IF AND or BUT about IT.

Some persons Obsess on Things�others have been classified as ( Dis-Eased )�Such as Alcoholics & Drug Addicts�Pornography & Sexual�Food�( Under/Over eating )�Adrenaline & Thrill Seekers�an the list goes on�

Its really bout something that goes much Deeper�something Missin inside an the means by which ta Cover Up an Not Deal with a Problem, Insecurity or Feeling of Emptiness of the Soul.

Questions to ask Ones Self�

1~ Where are YOU at in Your Own Spirituality an Self Acceptance�

2~ Is it Spiritual & Acceptable to an for YOU ?

3~ Is it Spiritual & Acceptable to an for Your Potential or Currant Relationship Partner ?

4~ Is it Spiritual & Acceptable unto the LORD ?...xo

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Should Christians ignore intemperance in a potential partner?
Posted : 8 Jul, 2010 01:32 PM

You better PREACH!!!, GJ!

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Should Christians ignore intemperance in a potential partner?
Posted : 28 Aug, 2010 07:40 AM

I agree to this post. God called us to be holy because He is a Holy God. He called us to live pure lives and not "tolerant" lives. A little yeast works through the whole dough.

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