Author Thread: Why come you pick your morals?

Why come you pick your morals?
Posted : 5 Jun, 2010 03:28 PM

Why come I oppose abortion?

Why come I do not drink alcohol?

Why come I do not do drugs?

Why come we need to make a statement about our morals?

Why come jesus is my savior?

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Why come you pick your morals?
Posted : 6 Jun, 2010 08:36 AM

Why come a why come thread about why comes?

Why come I oppose abortion?--because it is murder...

Why come I don't drink?--Because it pollutes the mind and hinders the body (plus it taste's nasty!)

Why come I don't do drugs?--Because it pollutes the mind and hinders the body(Plus I'm crazy enough as it is!)

Why come Jesus is my saviour?--Because He died on the cross for my sins.

Why come I don't have any tatoos?--not to be judging others, but I think of my body as a Holy temple and don't want any graffiti on it-(besides, I'm ugly enough as it is and don't need any wise Chinese sayings across my neck that nobody can read)

Why come I answered this why come thread? To let Drigmeater know he's alright and a good guy and it's cool to have morals and stand up for what you believe in.


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Why come you pick your morals?
Posted : 7 Jun, 2010 10:05 AM

Why come we think we pick Morals ?

Why come livin life has taught me bout Morals ?

Why come the Holy Spirit has taught me more bout Morals than any person has ?

Why come Morals are inbeded in the 10 Comandments ?

Why come some persons say Morals are jus Common Sence an then they do somethin ImMoral an try ta explain an validate it ta make Sence ?...:rolleyes:

Why come I snuk a peek at Eds new Pix ?

Why come I luv the Cowboy Boot with flowers...Hey !!!..that Boot looks jus like the one Ima missin...:excited:...

Why come I agree with Ed bout Dg an All of US speakin our Minds bout important stuff

Why come I miss ya Guys ?...xo

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Why come you pick your morals?
Posted : 7 Jun, 2010 11:15 AM

Why come I missed God'sJude SO much!!! :D

Why come I agree with everything she said?!

Why come that means I agree with Edw too?

Why come Dennis picked on me in the other Why Come thread?

Why come BP isn't exhibiting any signs of good morals?

Why come I feel sorry for the folks in the Gulf?

Why come they can put a man on the moon but they can't plug a pipe?

Why come?

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Why come you pick your morals?
Posted : 7 Jun, 2010 02:33 PM

Whycome...OH MY GOODNESS Browneyegirl be BACKKKK ?

Whycome you found the bestest place ta be is on any an All Whycome threads ? :-}...:yay:...xo

Whycome persons with purty good Morals always miss others with purty much the same Morals ? Missed you too...

Whycome DG/Dennis isnt here playin when we be ?

Whycome his Kitty Cats have him locked in the basement with his Trains ?

Whycome he be so Funnnnyyyyyyyyyy ?

Whycome Bad Morals are Sinful an Good Morals are Sinless ?

Whycome ?...xo

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Why come you pick your morals?
Posted : 7 Jun, 2010 09:31 PM

Why come I had to repost this cause the adm deleted my other post.

Why come GJ's new pic's are so super-kewl smokin'?

Wju come she aint't too busy to write why comes or what fers on account she should be busy fightin off fellers ?

Why come people with morals are labeled haters?

Why come I don't hate nobody, I just pray harder for 'em?

Why come when the former Ms. California spoke about her morals the Donald took aay her crown?

Why come some of those people gotta have their own parade?

Why come if they so proud they gotta be hiding in closets?

Why come I pray for our country harder than ever now?

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Why come you pick your morals?
Posted : 8 Jun, 2010 11:48 AM

Whycome Ed dont know I dont get contact from men here ?

Whycome he thinks I shud be fighten Gents off when none are fightin ta Woo an Win me ?...:glow:

Whycome Ed dont see the look on my face in the new pix an sees Ima wonderin Whyfor ?

Whycome President O said He would ( have ) fired the BP dude when last week He said the Government is in charge ? which means Him...:rolleyes:

Whycome he seems ta appear more an more like a Dude that was prophsied about ?

Whycome I asked that ? when I know I aint got nothin ta worry bout cuz Our LORD Jesus will crush the Serpent with HIS Heel ?...Yippy !!!!....:bouncy:....xo

Whycome DG/Dennis's Cats still have him locked in the Basement ?...MEEOOOWWWWWWWWWWW...:ROFL:...xo

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Why come you pick your morals?
Posted : 9 Jun, 2010 01:24 PM

whycome still waters run deep?

whycome when you disturb the surface all sorts of creatures may jump out?

whycome the ask a girl thread is a latent trap?

whycome Boys go there to air out about not getting noticed by someone they think should notice them?

whycome when someone offers an observation bats and hyenas and all sorts of things come after you?

whycome i pray the latest complainant seek the kingdom instead of answering the age old question "what will you give for the price of your soul"?

whycome it seems like we offer GOD ultimatums,settlements and negotiations?

whycome "all things work together for the good of those who love The Lord" go before "seek ye First the kingdom"?

whycome ""Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts."

whycome it bothers me when i see people getting side tracked by the cares of this world?

whycome i bugs me when it means so much to them that bitterness and resentment takes root?

whycome i ask God why people don't love him? :'(

whycome i know that i do not have any right telling people how to love God and am not trying but simply asking God a question myself included?

whycome i pray that if i ever get sidetracked that he would come and knock some sense into me?

whycome he wouldn't do that?

whycome he is so gentle that he calls softly and tenderly?

whycome an all powerful GOD begs?

whycome love is not proud?

whycome i'm going to stop complaining and give thanks then go read my bible:rolleyes:

whycome i'll be back in a little while just cuz this site is a blessing:applause:

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Why come you pick your morals?
Posted : 15 Jun, 2010 04:11 PM

Why come the Bush family is not standing up for the christain values that they once said they would?

Why come Laura Bush is pro choice?

Why come george Bush SR. was pro choice in 1979 but not pro choice in 1980?

Why come these are just clowns?:ROFL:

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Why come you pick your morals?
Posted : 16 Jun, 2010 05:08 PM

Whycome some persons have really Good Morals an Others jus want ta Validate why their Morals are the Exception ta GOD's ?

Whycome the more I see the world for what it is...I jus pray all the more harder for those that are/might miss the Midnight Train outa here ?

Whycome somedays Im on Fire an Other days Im Fizzeled out ?

Whycome I seek shelter in Our LORD an shelter those that are lost an have yet ta know Him ?

Whycome I still stand on the Corner an Ask...Do you know Jesus ? Even when most persons jus look at me funny an walk on by...

Whycome I didnt read any of the other posts afor I posted ?

Whycome its all bout me when its really not ?

Whycome...I jus needed ta do this ?

Whycome ? Whycome ? Whycome ?...xo

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Why come you pick your morals?
Posted : 17 Jun, 2010 11:19 AM

Why come y'all don't know that being craazzzeee (funny)ain't a moral?:ROFL::dancingp:

Why come Dennis this was a great choice to start a why come thread in this section?

Why come the admin doesn't see our why come threads have raised the viewing and positing s on this site, and we are due, and should be RECOMPENSED with a new FORUM BOARD for helping CDFF raise their viewing rates ASAP!?:applause:

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