Author Thread: Ever Wonder Where God`s Fine Line Is Concerning Sin & Repent Cycles?

Ever Wonder Where God`s Fine Line Is Concerning Sin & Repent Cycles?
Posted : 2 May, 2010 11:15 AM

Here is insight from the ESV (English Standard Version) Study Bible. A break down of verses 26-31.

HEBREWS chapter 10: 26-31. :prayingm:

Heb. 10:26�27 sinning deliberately. Willfully sinning and refusing to repent. after receiving. The author refers especially to people within the Christian community, who have thus heard the truth. The fact that they �go on sinning deliberately even after receiving knowledge of the truth� indicates that the people in view are not (and never were) genuine believers; that is, these are people who have never genuinely embraced the gospel in a way that has resulted in a life of faith, obedience, and the bearing of fruit. no longer remains a sacrifice for sins. This could refer to the inability of willful, unrepentant sinners to be restored (see 6:4�6), or more likely to the fact that there is no place for them to turn for forgiveness outside of Christ's sacrifice�which they have rejected. judgment. All people face judgment (see 9:27�28), and apart from Christ's sacrifice his adversaries receive eternal damnation. These verses, then, function as a means used by God to call genuine Christians to faith, obedience, and perseverance; and, if there is no evidence of fruit in one's life, to challenge such people to give fearful consideration as to whether they are in fact genuine believers. � Less

Heb. 10:26�27 sinning deliberately. Willfully sinning and refusing to repent. after receiving. The author refers especially to people within the Christian community, who have thus heard the truth. The fact that they �go on sinning deliberately even after receiving knowledge of the truth� indicates that the people in view are not (and never were) genuine believers; that is, these are More �

Heb. 10:28�29 These verses argue from the lesser to the greater (cf. 2:1�4; 9:14). In the Mosaic law, the death penalty comes upon those who blaspheme God or who worship other deities (e.g., Lev. 24:13�16; Deut. 17:2�7), so in the superior new covenant the expectation of judgment would be even stronger. How much worse punishment . . . will be deserved by the one who . . . ? The description that follows is of a person who has deliberately, consciously, and persistently deserted �the living God� (cf. Heb. 3:12; 10:31; 12:22), renouncing Christ and the community of faith (6:4�8). It is a description of outright apostasy, involving a person who has done three specific things: (1) spurned the Son of God, (2) profaned the blood of the covenant, and (3) outraged the Spirit of grace. Such rejection of the knowledge of the truth (10:26) through willful disobedience is tantamount to trampling upon God's Son, reckoning his blood to be defiled, and insulting the Spirit who has offered such grace; the one who does this deserves eternal judgment (v. 27). Some have argued that the statement by which he was sanctified (Gk. hagiazō, �set apart,� �sanctify�) indicates that the person in view here was a true believer (see note on 3:14, however, indicating a fundamental difficulty with this view). Given the immediate context, it seems most likely that �he was sanctified� should be understood in the sense of someone who had been �set apart� or identified as an active participant in the Christian community of believers, but who has subsequently committed apostasy by renouncing his identification with other believers, by denying the �knowledge of the truth� that he had heard, and by repudiating the work and the person of Christ himself. Such a person's apostasy is thus evidence that his identification with the Christian community was only superficial and that he was not a genuine believer. Another view is that the author is confident that the grave warning in these verses will be the means by which those who are truly elect will be braced to persevere in faith and obedience, and so to be saved (see note on 6:4�8). � Less

Heb. 10:28�29 These verses argue from the lesser to the greater (cf. 2:1�4; 9:14). In the Mosaic law, the death penalty comes upon those who blaspheme God or who worship other deities (e.g., Lev. 24:13�16; Deut. 17:2�7), so in the superior new covenant the expectation of judgment would be even stronger. How much worse punishment . . . will be deserved by the one who . . . ? The More �

Heb. 10:30�31 The living God (cf. 3:12; 9:14; 12:22) is here portrayed through two citations from Deut. 32:35�36 as the heavenly judge, who will judge even his own people.

IT is indeed a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living GOD AMEN. :excited:

These verses RADICALLY changed my conviction and my over all walk with the LORD. :yay: :peace: :dancingp: :bouncy: :rocknroll: :bow: :prayingm: :angel: :applause:

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Ever Wonder Where God`s Fine Line Is Concerning Sin & Repent Cycles?
Posted : 3 May, 2010 06:47 PM

well i guess this gonna have to take a little loger than usual

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Ever Wonder Where God`s Fine Line Is Concerning Sin & Repent Cycles?
Posted : 3 May, 2010 09:07 PM

As far as the east is from the west!! How far is that? Try this: Travel east until you can no longer travel east, but are suddenly traveling west. :purpleangel: It won't happen!

Psa 103:12 How far has the LORD taken our sins from us? Farther than the distance from east to west!

He could have said from the north to the south. If He had, the meaning would be different. When you travel around the globe to the north there will be a point where your travel becomes a southerly direction. When traveling east or west you may have to travel by planes, trains and automobiles or even by foot or swimming, but you would never reverse your direction.

It's all about being a child, having a relationship with a loving Father, not about doing anything good. We can never be good enough on our own to meet His standard. We need to be cleansed and ransomed by the Blood of Christ to be accepted by God.

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Ever Wonder Where God`s Fine Line Is Concerning Sin & Repent Cycles?
Posted : 8 May, 2010 07:42 AM

Casting Crowns - East to West

Here's a portion of the lyrics that touch my heart...

"I start the day, the war begins

Endless reminding of my sin

and time and time again

Your truth is drowned out by the storm I'm in

"Today I feel like

I'm just one mistake away

from You leaving me this way

"Jesus, can you show me just how far

the east is from the west?

Cause I can't bear to see the man I've been

come rising up in me again

"In the arms of Your mercy I find rest

Cause You know just how far

the east is from the west

from one scarred hand to the other"

Amen! What He did for us was perfect, perfect, perfect! If we try to add anything to it, that thing we do is just adding filth, dirt, slime, garbage to what is perfect, because perfect cannot be better than perfect. The only way perfect can change is in a downward become less than perfect. That downward movement begins when we try to make Perfect better.

Laughable! When we put our clean hands on something there are germs that reside on our skin that are transferred to the thing, even if when our skin is clean. And we think we can somehow touch the perfect work of God/Christ and add to it making it more perfect?

Begging God for forgiveness is adding filth to Perfection. Rest in what He did. Receive the mercy that is available through the "finished" work of Christ. Why is it the "finished" work? Because Perfect is Perfect and can't be anything better. Rest! Be Still and know that He is God (and we are not).

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Ever Wonder Where God`s Fine Line Is Concerning Sin & Repent Cycles?
Posted : 31 May, 2010 01:36 PM

If you take what I posted and consider an unrepentant heart, then the verses you suggested would no longer apply. When our hearts grow so cold that we refuse to repent then we have committed the unforgivable sin and we will be lost forever unless we turn back to God. The word is clear on this, unless the person was not really saved to beguin with, then that person is still lost and does not know it, which is why witnessing is so important to the lost and also to those who think they are saved, but are really lost. For help witnessing to these two types go to

Their is a line we can cross, and its when we walk away, and loose the meaning of TRUE TEARFUL REPENTANCE!

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