Author Thread: Proverbs 19:20

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Proverbs 19:20
Posted : 25 Mar, 2021 05:35 PM

A fairly accurate way to discribe many of my feelings is "I try to be wise, and when I encounter someone that is not being makes me mad!"

Over the past few years I have encountered numerous people/groups that I have seen trying to cover their foolish behavior up with a 'religious/political' belief system.

Recently I was talking to GOD and asking HIM how I can help train future generations how to drop the foolishness that some people eat with a spoon?

This morning while I was reading my Bible GOD answered my question for me.

-Proverbs 19:20 Heed counsel, act on instruction,

and you will become wise later in life.-

Rather early on in life I discovered that there is two diffrent ways that people can learn. #1 Some people seem to learn things the hard way, that is they have a hard time understanding that the stove is hot...they need to touch it first. #2 Some people seem to learn things the easy way, that is they do not touch the hot stove because other people have been burnt.

As I have said "Some people try to hide their un-wise behavior in some sort of political/religous belief system"

Takeaway lesson: if you ever encounter any sort of belief system that teaches you that it is moraly decent of you to surrender logical thought, then that teaching is incorrect.

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Proverbs 19:20
Posted : 26 Mar, 2021 07:55 AM

Surrender of logical thought is practiced on these forums all the time!

Stupid people posting silly unverified stuff because they just can’t, and I quote: be “bothered”, unquote. Same people making unwarranted knee jerk assumptions about other people without bothering to dig deeper for real facts instead of just guessing.

We also have all the following: flat earthers, people claiming to heal like Jesus with nothing to show for it, conspiracy theorists who spin on a hunch, people believing they are sinless, self proclaimed Christians supporting abortion candidates with Marxists driven policies and on and on.

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Proverbs 19:20
Posted : 6 May, 2021 01:01 AM

I just wanted to post here and say that OP posted such a wonderful thought. If a religious system wants one to surrender logical thought, there's something fundamentally WRONG about that system's doctrines. We understand God's will when pray God to guide us through His Holy Spirit, read the Bible, and then APPLY that Scripture into our lives logically. That's the Christian life, plain and simple.

Same goes for Bible interpretation, of course. But yes, I loved this post. The message is really encouraging, I love hanging around people who understand that God is the God of reason(just like the Holy Spirit is the "spirit of sound mind", according to the Bible), because I know that when I hang around such people, both they and I can find answers and there's less room for wild theories based upon feelings.

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Proverbs 19:20
Posted : 26 May, 2021 05:03 AM

Some people have no logic and follow anything.

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Proverbs 19:20
Posted : 24 Jul, 2021 12:16 PM

yupp.....and there is an answer to that, be a berean, show yourself approved, but....I think that separating religion and politics is an unwise thing, remember the coin in the mouth of the fish? or "Whose inscription is this?", for politics is just how we organise ourselves, what laws and what morality with which we all abide, isn't that all covered in the first five books, isn't it repeated time and time again? going into babylon? shadrach meschak and abednego? all in the rich seam of political life, the Word is also applicable there, so yes, blind faith is wrong, but no, politics and the wiles of the enemy are also on the table.

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