Author Thread: Over 50s Flare...

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Over 50s Flare...
Posted : 19 Mar, 2021 03:47 AM

I'm subscribed to quite a few blogs aimed at women over 50.

I came across one recently, that had an article on fashions for the over 50s woman, so I subscribed.

What followed was "a barrage of articles" on sex over 50 and awakening your sexuality etc.

Now I'm no prude & have no problem with the articles I'm sure some will find them helpful, but as a single woman this doesn't affect me.

I signed up in order to see different styles, and colours, that flatter and complement the 50 plus women.

So today I unsubscribed...:-)

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Over 50s Flare...
Posted : 8 Apr, 2021 08:23 PM

Well that's even a reflection here on CDFF, here's an example of what I mean, ok so I'll visit a woman's profile in her 50's and she will have her interests as everything of the world and nothing about Christ, then when you look closer her preferred age range of men she's looking for they are from 35-47 while shes in her 50's

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Over 50s Flare...
Posted : 9 Apr, 2021 01:37 AM

Yes I've found the same with men in their 50s who want women 20s-30s as they want to be a father.

Some with no children some have children & grandchildren, but decided they'd like a second bite of the apple "there is a season for everything"...:-)

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Over 50s Flare...
Posted : 24 Jul, 2021 12:50 PM true...even over 50's can't escape the sexualisation of every nook and cranny of society...and yes everyone loves to show how christian they are when in reality they are not, just a glance at some profile pics tells you a story or 2...In reality it takes a liitle experience of getting it obviously wrong, being corrected multiple times before our dull ears hear, that's why when you hit that age you start to use your's not neccesarily you, it's society plus the coming of age, where hormones and the need to procreate don't drive your ever waking thoughts....still...most men even though they may state a preference for a lithe and strong young female, even though....they will also consider the consequences of someone who has not struggled with the reality of life as quite possibly unsuitable, an age gap can also be a chasm of understanding....better some one who will help meet your every need than just when you see that others principles and modes of thought don't subscribe to the standards and morals by which you stand, unsubscribe, being faithful without entering fault.

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