Author Thread: a little sermon on , HE expects....

a little sermon on , HE expects....
Posted : 29 Jul, 2009 05:01 PM

dear folks,

james 1:21-25 21 Therefore lay aside all filthiness and overflow of wickedness, and receive with meekness the implanted word, which is able to save your souls.

22 But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. 23 For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; 24 for he observes himself, goes away, and immediately forgets what kind of man he was. 25 But he who looks into the perfect law of liberty and continues in it, and is not a forgetful hearer but a doer of the work, this one will be blessed in what he does.

tonight id like to talk to ya a little bout your salvation. did you realize that when you got down on your knees or however you were positioned at the time and told JESUS that you realize that you are a sinner and asked JESUS to forgive you of your sins and let HIM know that you believe in HIM and you believe that HE died on the cross for your sins and that HE rose again from the grave and is now sitted at the right hand throne of GOD to intercede for our sins. and asked HIM to come into your heart.. and really truely believe it and mean it then at that moment you were saved. you were saved from dying and goin to hell. you will now be in heaven and get to even though you may die yet you shall live ..

but at that very moment to whom you were forgiven much and given much.. much was to be expected of you in return.. JESUS loved you so very much HE died on that cross a horrible and miserable death for all who will believe...

and HE expects you to change from your worldly ways..HE expects you to act alot better, HE expects you to talk alot better.. to clean up your talk ..HE expects you to clean up your fornicatin selves .. HE expects you to read GODS word so as to strengthen your faith and to also ingrave HIS commands upon your hearts. cause ifn you dont know what the word says then how can one expect to follow it..HE expects you to follow GODS word. HE expects you to treat others as you would yourselves .. HE expects you to help those in need.. HE expects you to mind ones own business and not go about as a busybody spreading gossip.. HE expects you not to slander or go round tellin lies about your neighbors. most of all HE expects just what HE gave you and me and everyone HE died for was love...HE expects you to love the LORD your GOD with all your hearts and soul. and HE expects you to love your neighbor as yourself..

see folks salvation was free but it came with a heavy price. JESUS paid the price for us.. and then much is expected of us after we recieve the gift of salvation.

nowhere does the bible say ok you can revert back to your old ways once saved.. nope. ifn you stumble come back to HIM quickly and ask for forgiveness and repent because much is expected of you.. you know even goin to church every time the doors open isnt a requirement but it sure aint such a bad thing to be doin.. get involved.. HE expects you to be a servent and to tell others of what all HES done for you .. and to be a tool to be used to help bring others to HIM. yep folks much is expected .. GOD doesnt have low expectations for ya. so neither should you.. and folks works wont get you to heaven but once saved much is expected of you and works are apart of that.. good works that is.. so get out there and do em and keep on doin em. itll be all for the betterhood of christians everywhere and the betterment of mankind.


ole cattle

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a little sermon on , HE expects....
Posted : 29 Jul, 2009 07:23 PM

thank you ole cattle.

God Bless,

Zoe :angel:

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a little sermon on , HE expects....
Posted : 30 Jul, 2009 11:30 AM

Yes, Yes, and Yes again! There must be a difference between clean and unclean.

If we as Christians meaning CHRIST IN ME, live loosely and without restraint, how are we going to win souls for the Kingdom. As single Christians we must put to death all filthiness of the flesh, and surrender this area to the Lord and he will keep you/me until our time for marriage, but he will only keep what YOU commit to him, he is a gentleman and he will not force himself on you, if you don't want to live a clean Christ like life. :waving:

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a little sermon on , HE expects....
Posted : 31 Jul, 2009 01:31 PM


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