Author Thread: Lord Of The Flies (Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction)

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Lord Of The Flies (Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction)
Posted : 12 Dec, 2020 07:39 PM

The other day I watched this video from one of my subscriptions and it caused me to think on human nature, morality and beliefs in a new more solid way. I'll post some of my thoughts below. Just some of them.

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Lord Of The Flies (Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction)
Posted : 12 Dec, 2020 07:53 PM

The following is a reply I made to someone in a discussion on the real life story compared to the novel. It summarizes many of my thoughts.

Things that struck me about the real life story vs. the novel were the grumpy old man still being angry about the commandeering of his boat (if you could call it that) and in the fiction the boat was 'civilization' returning like some sort of savior of humans from their naturally depraved state.

The novel tried to contrast say, human innately good or savage or transcendent nature. I don't remember it touching much on a Judeo-Christian God or world view. Sure there were higher powers imagined, but they seemed imagined and not real. The real life 'Rambo's' on the other hand had faith, which seemed to encourage them to self restraint.

I may be not remembering the novel well, it's been a long time since I read it. The contrast between the fiction and real though to me really drives the point home of how 'western' civilization became so - well, civilized.

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