Observation: -There was a recognition from Nicodemus that Jesus is not any ordinary teacher but ‘come from God’ because of the signs He is doing;
-There is a desire in Nicodemus to experience God/ the kingdom of God;
-Jesus said that He is both born of the flesh and the Spirit;
-Jesus told Nicodemus that only those who are born again – born of the Spirit of God- will be able to see the kingdom of God;
-The Spirit cannot be seen but He is made ‘visible’ by the sound and/or actions that (He) is able to produce.
-Since I am born again, I have been born of the Spirit; I have the Holy Spirit in me;
-I will not able to do great things for God (as Jesus has done) if the Holy Spirit is not with me;
-The Holy Spirit is made ‘visible’ in me through the works He is able to do through me;
(Galatians 5: 22-23: The fruits of the Holy Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control)
-I need to obey the Holy Spirit’s leading in my life
Dear God,
Thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for the power and enabling that you have given to us through the Holy Spirit.
Holy Spirt,
Forgive me when I do things my way. Continue to nudge me to think the right thoughts, say the right words, do the right actions. Let my life manifest love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control today.
Be glorified in me. Let your name be praised on all things that I will be able to do today.