Author Thread: will you befriend with Muslims who do not like Christians in certain country?

will you befriend with Muslims who do not like Christians in certain country?
Posted : 17 Jun, 2019 09:29 AM

Hi..will you befriend or have interest to have Muslim friends who do not like some Christians or Christians in certain country? If Yes, why? If No, I understand the reasons. Thanks.

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will you befriend with Muslims who do not like Christians in certain country?
Posted : 10 Jul, 2019 12:28 AM

When my youngest child was a toddler, I met a new neighbour with a child the same age she was a Muslim. We became good friends, I get along with most people and wouldn't discount someone based on their faith or where they're born, I would discount someone if they were a hateful person.

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will you befriend with Muslims who do not like Christians in certain country?
Posted : 15 Jul, 2019 09:04 PM

well the original poster has been deleted. NO i don't want or need muslim "friends". their religion is not one of peace - it is one of fire and fury. No matter how they look on the outside, they have been taught from the Koran since childhood and it presents a huge problem for our country.

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will you befriend with Muslims who do not like Christians in certain country?
Posted : 16 Jul, 2019 07:25 AM

I agree with you. They come in to christian countries like lambs later they will I have noticed this not only with Muslims but with other non christian faiths who go to christian countries and ruin the peace of the country.

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will you befriend with Muslims who do not like Christians in certain country?
Posted : 16 Jul, 2019 07:29 AM

I agree with you ( needsafriend7)

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will you befriend with Muslims who do not like Christians in certain country?
Posted : 17 Jul, 2019 02:46 AM

Well to each their own I choose to love my neighbours regardless of skin colour, nationality or religion.

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will you befriend with Muslims who do not like Christians in certain country?
Posted : 17 Jul, 2019 09:43 AM

Well, first of all, I have to say that if someone considers you their enemy, Love them, for only love can conquer hate, and that is what Jesus teaches.

That having been said, Islam is not a religion, but ONE of the largest and most successful global criminal organization masquerading as a religious organization, and I say this on behalf of all non-Muslim middle-easterners.

However, saying that all Muslims are criminals, would be like saying that all Italians are members of the Mafia . . . That would be absolutely ridiculous and totally inaccurate.

Nevertheless, here are some things we (non-Muslim middle-easterners) all know, which you need to know.

1) "Peace" in Arabic is "Salam", while "Islam" means "Surrender" (Resistance is futile)

2) Islam is the ONLY "Religion" which considers all others to be their mortal enemies.

3) Their prophet teaches them that it is OK to LIE and misrepresent the tenets of Islam if, as a result, they convert to Islam, thereby "saving" their immortal soul. (the end justifying the means)

4) If later they change their minds and turn their back on Islam, well, you know what happens.

5) Their prophet also teaches them the following, and I will need to paraphrase here as I cannot remember the Surah (verse) verbatim; If you find yourself to be the minority where you live, live properly, abiding by their laws, until such time as your numbers are sufficient to impose Islam upon them under penalty of death. If a man and his family refuses to convert, but is able to afford to pay the " . . . " monthly (sorry, I forget what it's called), they may keep their faith and remain unharmed.

6) When doing business with a Kafer (infidel), when the business is done, you are under no obligation to honor your debt to them, as they are Kafers, and have no rights.

7) And I apologize for adding this one, but you need to know this. Mohammad had six wives, but his favorite wife was Aisha, who was either 6 or 9 years old when he took her as a wife, depending on the source, at which time he would have been in his sixties, and yes, he didn't consummate the marriage . . . for three years, and in some Muslim countries, there is literally no age of consent for girls to be given, or even sold into marriage. We're talking toddlers here.

BUT . . . and this is a VERY BIG BUT . . . not all Muslims are actual Muslims, as they would be risking their lives and the lives of their families and even extended families, potentially, if they were to "come out of the closet" as "no longer Muslims"

Solution? 1) Follow God's teaching; "Love your neighbour as yourself" and "Love your enemies, pray for them, and bless them", and 2) Leave the rest in God's more than capable hands.

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will you befriend with Muslims who do not like Christians in certain country?
Posted : 18 Jul, 2019 08:17 AM

I'm sorry needsafriend7, but you hit a nerve. "Your country"? And what about God? Where's His country, and what does it look like? You might want to take a closer look at "Your country" 's history, and the number of "Chinamen" who died per mile of train tracks, or the number of "Chinamen" or otherwise "non-whites" for every foot of tunnel who sacrificed their lives making "America Great", to say nothing of the black men who lost their lives fighting YOUR war for "YOUR COUNTRY" only to be treated like "monkeys in suits" upon their return, if they were lucky enough to return, and in one piece, and the countless widows and orphans of said heroes of "Your country" ... choose your words carefully, or don't call yourself a follower of Christ.

And now, if you'll excuse me, I need to go ask God for forgiveness for this outburst. Although it needed to be said.

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will you befriend with Muslims who do not like Christians in certain country?
Posted : 12 Jan, 2020 07:41 PM

I speak Farsi, which is the language of Iran and Afghanistan. I do ministry among Iranians and Afghans. I am an elder in our Iranian Church. The vast majority of Iranians are agnostics, although Muslim in name only. Afghans are a different story. They are more religious......Most of my ministry has been to reach them lately.

I am finding some who have had dreams and visions......How are we going to ever see the world change unless we step out and make friends with them? Are you going to be like Jonah? Didn't really get his way, did he? You should read Habakkuk 1:5 before you go to bed tonight. God is doing miracles in the Islamic world. I have stories I could tell of things I have seen happen which would cause you to retract your statement and go befriend a Muslim. They operate out of fear. True love casts out fear.

The truth is that Americans, who HAVE READY ACCESS TO THE GOSPEL, have aborted 60+ million of their own plus 250 million chemical abortions. Who is the more violent in the final tally?

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