Author Thread: Sad Fact on Racisms among "Christians"

Sad Fact on Racisms among "Christians"
Posted : 19 Apr, 2016 01:19 AM

God finds us all equal. No matter what color we are, the Lord loves us all unconditionally. Therefore, if you are a real Christian, you also know how to treat and respect people from other country. We are all the same in God's eyes. Jesus died for our sins & not just for selected individuals.

It is just an alarming fact that there are some people who call themselves "Christians" who think that they are better than the other. They don't know how to respect and value people.

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Sad Fact on Racisms among "Christians"
Posted : 2 Jun, 2016 04:04 PM

What you say is definitely something that needs to be taken more seriously by those who claim to live through Christ's example. I think ignorance is the biggest problem of all, and that if we could all spend more time with those of differing races and cultures, we'd gain more respect and appreciation for others.

As silly as it might sound to bring a Disney movie into this discussion, I saw Zootopia with my 2 nieces (both of whom are half-Puerto Rican and have dark skin) and I came away hoping that the world that they grow up in will treat them not with ignorance, but with appreciation and respect. We live in a diverse world created by a peerless artist.

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Sad Fact on Racisms among "Christians"
Posted : 6 Jun, 2016 08:08 AM

You are correct. I know that I was brought up to be prejudiced against people who are not like me. I didn't know anyone of a different race or religion, and neither did my family. Everyone in my schools were white. I didn't even speak with someone of another race until I joined the military at 18. I've given this issue a lot of thought.

I realize that I didn't hate other races or think I was better, because didn't even know them. I came to realize that I was prejudiced against a caricature of other races, not the actual people. It's easy to define others as we want them to be, and that is exactly what I was taught. I was taught stereotypes that weren't even true.

Yes, there are some cultural differences between people of different races and different countries, but there are cultural differences between people within the same country and in the same race. Here in the US, people in the south do some things a little differently than people in the north. People on the east coast do some things a little differently than people on the west coast. Some of us are pro-gun conservatives and some are anti-gun liberals, or whatever label we use to define ourselves and others.

And that ultimately is the problem... we use labels to identify others instead of simply getting to know them for who they really are.

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Sad Fact on Racisms among "Christians"
Posted : 30 Jul, 2016 12:04 PM

Yes it is a sad fact as Christians we should be more loving in general but that's often not the case.

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