Author Thread: Manny Pacquiao

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Manny Pacquiao
Posted : 28 Feb, 2016 01:46 AM

Manny Pacquiao, our Boxing champ, has made controversial statement,voicing out his stance against same sex marriages that sates like this..

""It's common sense," the current Sarangani province congressman said in Filipino. "Do you see any animals that go male to male, or female to female?"

"So the animals are even better (than humans)," Pacquiao said with a chuckle. "Because they know how to distinguish from male to male or female to female. Right?"

"Now if we allow male to male or female to female, then that makes us worse than animals."

While same-sex marriage has yet to be legalized in the Philippines, naturally, Pacquiao's statements comparing it to animals have caused quite a stir in the country."

It was an outright declaration of the biblical based believer, which had became the object of media rounds and lashes for many weeks now.

With this happening, i concluded that our evil world had really come to worst than i really think, making the evil practice acceptable as worth practicing and respecting for, and the good practice disregarded as evil. I am wondering what the lord really feels about the people he are we different with those people God punished at the time of noah and lot? Are we not of the same world like theirs?

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Manny Pacquiao
Posted : 14 May, 2016 09:27 PM

There are far worse things out there and will get worse. Satan wants us to get used to every sin, but progressively. Progressive Christian have become accepting of homosexuality, pre marital sex, abortion and so forth. In answer to your statement a it Noah the Nephilim would have to return or people will be having sexual relations with fallen angels. I believe this will be the final stage of debauchery. Invest is already starting to be accepted :(

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