Author Thread: We are not fighting against flesh and blood....

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We are not fighting against flesh and blood....
Posted : 20 Dec, 2015 11:48 AM

He (Yahweh) spoke to my heart this morning as I thought about Christmas & society taking Jesus out of everything. Actually even Christians have conformed & celebrate it in a very secular way....

Narrow road we are on & we are not a popular majority - us true real followers of Christ!

No point getting upset about persecution it is not our battle it belongs to the Lord! He won already!

If we would focus more on helping & loving people rather than trying to battle them we might get them to listen to & read the word of God!

Be the example of the joy & gift of salvation He brought to us!

We should Get on our knees praying instead of arguing with non-believers & each other!

It is the Holy Spirits job! Only by His Spirit! Only God ONLY GOD!

In Yeshua name what a beautiful powerful name! Yeshua Yeshua Yeshua

Baruch Hashem Adonai

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We are not fighting against flesh and blood....
Posted : 21 Dec, 2015 01:21 PM

Amen ! and AMEN !!! Thank you and continued Blessings :raised_hands:

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