Author Thread: Christian Moral Standards

Christian Moral Standards
Posted : 18 Dec, 2015 03:39 PM

I've often wondered why some folks claim to be Christian and have such excellent morals when they log in to the site and hide their profile ? It reminds me of what is commonly called Trolling or Lurking...kinda like what satan does found in 1 Pet 5:8.

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Christian Moral Standards
Posted : 19 Dec, 2015 08:29 PM

IKR! I've only "met" one such man who did exactly as you describe and, while nothing he said to me raised suspicion, as soon as I realized that he was at times hiding his profile, the caution flags went up. It's hard enough to know who to trust on here without genuine Christians acting in an underhanded manner.

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Christian Moral Standards
Posted : 28 Sep, 2016 11:31 AM

I have been away from this site fir awhile and have now returned. About morals I like to chase away scammers as I want to find someone that I can trust so I may play hard to get.

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Christian Moral Standards
Posted : 29 Sep, 2016 01:29 AM

As hiding your profile is an option offered by the site I dont see a problem, people hide their profiles for a variety of reasons. They may be pursuing a friendship with someone or taking a break from the site altogether, and not open to making new contacts.

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Christian Moral Standards
Posted : 13 Apr, 2017 12:45 AM

You can't avoid responding to just anyone who's purpose is to cut your patience and here for the wrong reasons. I have brought up to the admin issues about certain number of people who create fake profiles and they said it will be implemented. I personally think too, it isn't right to write anything that will make anyone think that because you think you belong to a particular group, they do not have the right to message you except when they are trying to mislead you and would just like to argue to show off what they think they know is right. But I say, people here who belong to Roman Catholicism and Church of Christ are people I do not want to waste my time on because this is not the place to educate ignorant people. This is a dating website.

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