Author Thread: Elf on the Shelf

Elf on the Shelf
Posted : 7 Dec, 2015 07:00 PM

I wasn't sure where to post this so the Moral Standards gets it...

I've come across many folks...even my own family memebers as well as Church congregation members that are all into the "Elf on the Shelf" pass time.

I got to wondering if anyone ever looks for Jesus on the shelf.

I started a search and collection a few years back looking for anything in the five and dime stores that had the name Jesus on it or anything to do with Him.

I found Rite Aid carries Tins filled with candy with the name Jesus 3 years in row. :thumbsup:

Big Lots this year has a tin filled with Hot Coco that has Bible Scriptures on all four sides pertaining to the Glorious Event of our LORD and Saviors birth. :thumbsup:

The 99$ store had 2 very nice Nativity scenes...

I keep searching and while I am doing this if anyone passes by I ask them if they have ever heard of the "Elf on the Shelf"...if they say yes...I then asked them if they have ever looked for Jesus on the shelf because He is the reason for the season. It opens a door to plant a seed. I've gotten a few odd looks and many no's. I've been told I'm a fool to do this. However...I'd rather be a fool before my LORD Jesus is never found on any self.

Its the Christian HOLY Days...Give someone a gift that makes a difference...Give a Bible so they may find Jesus on their shelf or coffee table or night stand or in their car...

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Elf on the Shelf
Posted : 20 Dec, 2015 11:51 AM

No comment needed excellent post thank you!!

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Elf on the Shelf
Posted : 5 Jan, 2016 10:14 AM

Excellent post, God's Jude!

But what is Elf on the Shelf?

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