Author Thread: Saved to serve or to seek your own?

Saved to serve or to seek your own?
Posted : 22 Apr, 2015 12:00 PM

Observations of online profiles:

"I want" is prevalent rather than "I want to serve".

I want someone as much like me as possible so I don't have to change much...if at all.

"I want someone to accept me just as I am", rather than "I want to grow into the person that meets your needs and enhances your life so fanatically that you trip over yourself wanting to love me in return".

I want to do this or that, or go here or there, or just plain have fun, rather than "I am willing to give up creature comforts to walk the narrow path of sacrifice".

I believe we've lost our way...or perhaps we never knew the way. Are we saved to serve or to seek our own?

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Saved to serve or to seek your own?
Posted : 22 Apr, 2015 04:37 PM

In response to your question...I would sincerely pray that those who have been called by God thru His Son Christ Jesus, have been saved to serve and are seeking Him as to the "how's" , "where's" and "when's"!! God bless.

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Saved to serve or to seek your own?
Posted : 22 Apr, 2015 05:06 PM

I hear ya brother!Most MEN do not desire to serve the Lord. For that matter; I meet few men and women alike that have a burning desire to spread the gospel. I suppose hell isnt real enough for them .:excited:

Although you gotta admit it is under the "about me" part in the profile that describes the person isnt it? I have many I's in my profile. It means nothing unless you make something of it :peace:

Phil 4:8

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Saved to serve or to seek your own?
Posted : 22 Apr, 2015 06:25 PM

"that do NOT have a burning desire" ie...:bouncy:

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Saved to serve or to seek your own?
Posted : 1 May, 2015 08:29 AM

You certainly raise an essential issue relevant to holy (set apart) living - a core doctrinal distinctive commanded throughout Scripture.

Recently I weighed in on a thread, from a different site, that embraced the humanist fallacy, "It's my body, I can do with it as I wish". On that particular thread, unfettered sexual expression and abortion are esteemed as indisputable inalienable human rights. I disagree. I pointed out several serious errors secular humanists use to defend their "it's my body" proposition. First, the humanist's assumption ignores the undeniable reality of a Creator God. Second, humanists willfully suppress knowledge about God they don't like. Third, God has made himself known in creation so men are without excuse. (See Romans 1 for additional detail.) Fourth, false science, other religions and philosophies have hardly challenged the existence of the God despite trying for years and years and years and years AND years!!!!!

So, to conclude, we are owned by God because he made us. We are created for his purposes. We clearly do not own our bodies because we didn't create them and we can't keep them alive. We do not own our destinies either because we can't add to or determine our days. We are only stewards of all we temporarily possess. It sure beats the guilt and slavery of temporary pleasures.

Ironically, if anyone longs for true freedom, it is found by serving the one true God who has revealed himself throughout creation and throughout Holy Scripture (Genisis-Revelation)

People who resist the knowledge of God end up yielding their bodies to the slavery of sin. Worse yet, they blind their intellect to such a degree they assume themselves wise though foolish. See Romans chapter 1 for details.

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Saved to serve or to seek your own?
Posted : 5 May, 2015 12:06 PM

Thank you to all who responded.

My hope was to encourage servant hearts rather than the me-centered mindset we are taught in society. The LORD's blessings to all who seek His ways!

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