Author Thread: sending a message and getting no response, is it rude or ?

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sending a message and getting no response, is it rude or ?
Posted : 12 Feb, 2015 09:04 PM

Hello peeps, I have found most of the time when I send a message to anyone I get no courtesy response. Even if the one you send a message to does not think that the 2 of you are not a match I feel out of courtesy you still deserve a response. We are all children of Christ and should have good character and treat each other with respect and courtesy. Any thoughts or comments on this subject or is it just me it happens to? God bless you all.

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sending a message and getting no response, is it rude or ?
Posted : 14 Feb, 2015 10:57 AM

You are right brother!

It is rude.

But look at it this way! It may be a blessing in disguise. I mean well >if we truly have asked God to lead us in this venture of finding the one he intends for us; we must put into action discerning what is really happening.

Just because a woman is on a site labeled "christian" doesnt make her a child of the most high! There are many "christians" in name only on these sites.

Just as much as when I stand in my garage;I am not a car:excited:

And lets assume she is a christian but still not right for you for one reason or another .

Id say you were blessed that she showed you who she is right off the bat brother!

Thank the Lord!!!

Gods grace abide in you

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sending a message and getting no response, is it rude or ?
Posted : 18 Feb, 2015 01:23 PM

I agree it is rude, but other times it's almost necessary. I've gotten into arguments with people when I actually "do" respond politely enough to tell them that we may not be a good match, etc.,

But if someone is being polite and sends you an actual normal message you should at least politely respond accordingly and respectfully. Not just view their profile and don't even say anything let alone wink, nothing leaving them wonder if you said something wrong.

I can't see you in person so I can't read your body language or know if you're annoyed or not interested. Anyway, oh well!

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sending a message and getting no response, is it rude or ?
Posted : 7 Mar, 2015 04:34 PM

I agree with the 2 answers of your topic. As Blondie said many women aren't kids of the Lord. They have worldly standards and react wrong. A polite message to say you're not interested takes a few minutes only. but sometimes men don't write as Christians. I mean that things like "Hey baby", "beautiful", "gal"...sound offensive. I call that "bar-scene" vocabulary and we're on a Christian site. I'm sure it's not your case, but many so called Christians do it. It doesn't deserve any reply. About what said skittlebean, it's very discouraging to face arguments from a man you send a polite "I'm not interested", but you can't know when it will happen. It already happened to me twice. But take it as a formal reaction when you're not interested. A short message back won't hurt the one who writes it, but no reply can hurt the one who's waiting

An other point, you should write carefully the profile to see if you have characteristics in your profile the woman said she disliked

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sending a message and getting no response, is it rude or ?
Posted : 24 Mar, 2015 12:49 PM

why respond? I get email from Asian women all the time. How do I know that they are real? maybe a scammer trying to take advantage of me. I use wisdom in my responses. Dennis

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sending a message and getting no response, is it rude or ?
Posted : 13 Apr, 2015 09:54 PM

It depends upon the situation. I am 70, when a man of 35 sends me an email, it certainly looks like a scammer. If I suspect a scammer, I do not respond. Sometimes (like above), it appears obvious; but other times, it is difficult to ascertain.

I usually do not respond to winks--mostly because I do not know what to do about a wink. Does one "wink" back? I feel stupid doing that; and silly if I respond with an email. So thus far, I have simply not responded.

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