Author Thread: Holiness even though the evil dwells in us

Holiness even though the evil dwells in us
Posted : 28 Oct, 2014 04:13 PM

Do you think is acceptable to live with your girlfriend/boyfriend before marriage? What about sex before marriage?

I know we are weak as dust, but Jesus died to sanctify us through his blood, to live a holy life, to be each day better, killing our flesh and NOT feeding it.

Now, if you fight in your strength you will fail miserably, Jesus left us the Holy Spirit, only with HIs help our flesh will die.

With Christ we are more than victors. I encourage you to follow the holiness, because without holiness nobody shall see the Lord. Remember He is Holy, Holy, Holy!

"�The Spirit is The Life Giver; the body does not benefit anything. The words that I speak with you are spirit and life.� John 6:63

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Holiness even though the evil dwells in us
Posted : 29 Oct, 2014 01:00 PM

G'day Ange,

What will you be doing as you are living together? Are you living as husband and wife or are you living in the same house but in separate sleeping quarters? If you are living as man and wife and are not married you are sleeping with someone who still belongs to G-d. What happens when you lay down with someone else's property? Is it cheating? What is cheating? Is cheating adultry? If cheating is adultry then you have broken your vows and contract with G-d have you not? Simply said for a Christian, you are under contact exclusively with G-d until the contract with your husband is made with G-d, under G-d and with all the rules the Savior has put in place to fulfill previous law.

Would you give your children permission to live with their boyfriend or girlfriend? If you will not do such a thing then wonder about it for yourself you are breaking the law of an ad hominem tu quo que. In simple terms it is do as I say and not as I do. It is the actions of hypocrisy which Y'shua spoke to quite often in the Book of Mathew.

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