Author Thread: Massachusetts Father Mad Just Because Public School Teaches �There Is No God But Allah�

Massachusetts Father Mad Just Because Public School Teaches �There Is No God But Allah�
Posted : 26 Oct, 2014 04:26 PM

Massachusetts Father Mad Just Because Public School Teaches �There Is No God But Allah�

Millions of students in public schools don�t understand fractions or pronouns at even a basic level but students in the oceanfront Boston suburb of Revere, Mass. are taking the time to learn all about Islam � in the most embarrassingly shallow and cheerleading way imaginable.

Part of the textbook prints the Muslim Call to Prayer, according to Boston NBC affiliate WHDH.

�I bear witness that there is no God but Allah,� it says.

The textbook portion also reverently celebrates Muhammad�s life.

�Muhammad never expected to change world,� the admiring, rah-rah textbook reads.

�Muhammad later tended sheep on the dry hills like many young Arabians,� the text explains. �Later he became a successful merchant and married a wealthy widow. However, he felt as though something was missing in his life, so he went on a retreat.�

The founder of Islam was �upset about the cruelty of his people,� the text also optimistically explains. They �killed baby girls.� They �treated their slaves unkindly.� And �Muhammad had a strong sense of right and wrong.�

One local parent, Anthony Giannino, is upset about the textbook�s treatment of the Muslim religion.

�No religion should be taught in school,� Giannino told WHDH. �It says Allah is their only God. That�s insulting to me as a Christian who believes in just Jesus only.�

�We don�t believe in Allah. I don�t believe in my son learning about this here,� Giannino added. �If my son was from another country and came here, he would have been catered to.�

The mad dad said he pulled his son out of his elementary school when he found out about the textbook�s treatment of Islam.

Other parents say they don�t see what the problem is.

�What is Muslim about? What is Christianity about? That�s what I teach at home,� parent Idalia Garcia told the Fox station. �Everybody should respect everybody else�s religion.�

The school district superintendent has since penned a letter to parents assuring them that the congratulatory statements about Islam are merely part of the district�s history curriculum.

Sourced ~

*** This Mad Dad shared ~ �No religion should be taught in school,� Giannino told WHDH. �It says Allah is their only God. That�s insulting to me as a Christian who believes in just Jesus only.�

*** Its about time !!! � So may times we Christians are Accused of being Non-Tolerant of others religions and beliefs while taking a back seat and Not Standing Strong in our own convictions. I say :applause: BROVO !!! to this Mad Dad and may GOD continue to call His Children to �Speak Out� in Truth and Honesty !!!

*** If this was a History Class that covered ALL Religions as subject matter then I wouldn't have a problem with it...however if Christianity isn't to be taught in any way then neither should any other religion...Thats my Opinion and Ima Sticking to it!!! ... xo

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Massachusetts Father Mad Just Because Public School Teaches �There Is No God But Allah�
Posted : 27 Oct, 2014 07:24 AM

"Just" because. As if it's over-reacting that a public school is teaching satanism to kids.

The people who write these articles are my enemy too.

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Massachusetts Father Mad Just Because Public School Teaches �There Is No God But Allah�
Posted : 16 Nov, 2014 03:49 AM

separation of church and state should include all religions.

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Massachusetts Father Mad Just Because Public School Teaches �There Is No God But Allah�
Posted : 28 Nov, 2014 10:42 PM

One more reason I home school.

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Massachusetts Father Mad Just Because Public School Teaches �There Is No God But Allah�
Posted : 6 Dec, 2014 06:53 PM

� 'We don�t believe in Allah. I don�t believe in my son learning about this here,' Giannino added. 'If my son was from another country and came here, he would have been catered to.'

The mad dad said he pulled his son out of his elementary school when he found out about the textbook�s treatment of Islam."

I don't get this.

US government schools have been teaching Statism/ humanism for what, 80 years, and suddenly a parent is angry about one teaching Islam?

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Massachusetts Father Mad Just Because Public School Teaches �There Is No God But Allah�
Posted : 24 Dec, 2014 12:52 PM

Be very careful uttering those words about Allah and Muhammed being his prophet - that simple declaration is how you 'convert' to islam.

Whilst I've no problem with my kids learning about other religions, I do it on the basis that they exist so a basic knowledge of what they believe is useful and NOT that I agree with those beliefs or will follow their practices. The problem is many of these textbooks are written almost as evangelistic material - easy to spot for adults but not so for children. I too would have been most angry with the school if their only teaching material on the subject was thinly-veiled propoganda

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Massachusetts Father Mad Just Because Public School Teaches �There Is No God But Allah�
Posted : 28 Feb, 2015 05:46 PM

The only real peace we can have as we stand for the truth, is that this is not our home we are only here for a while.

The best thing we can do is remove our children from the public (prejudiced) school system. If enough parents were do do this as a coordinated effort at the same school year, there would not be enough money from the government to fund this sick, Union over run, anti-God system, since they receive monies according to the number of students in attendance. This would get the Government's attention as to "WE THE PEOPLE" who supposedly the government is supposed to be; of and for. It would have to be a serious parental commitment. MUCH PRAYER is REQUIRED, along with action. Some things God will do on our behalf; others we need to prove our true alliance, for God or against Him.

For those of us who come through a divorce I think it is even more difficult.

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