Author Thread: What Is Backsliding, And Are You Doing It?

What Is Backsliding, And Are You Doing It?
Posted : 11 Aug, 2014 02:01 PM

What Is Backsliding, and Are You Doing It?

posted by Carolyn Henderson

Too many of us are acquainted with the word, �backsliding,� which, in its purest form, means to lose one�s resolve to follow a chosen path. A recovering alcoholic who re-enters the bar circuit is an example � surrounding oneself by temptation, and resuming behavior that one is trying to overcome, isn�t a particularly successful business plan.

Within Christianity, backsliding applies, theoretically, to believers who no longer walk the narrow path of following Christ, reading His word, listening to His voice � in essence, being His disciples and serving Him as master. I say theoretically, because in the real life of too many people, backsliding is defined not by God but by other human beings, who establish a system of customized rules for determining what is, and isn�t, a genuine walk with God.

No Church, No God

For example, in many Christians� eyes, not attending church is a clear sign that one is backsliding since (and this structural phrasing of the argument is extremely common):

�If you really loved God, then you would attend church.� Ergo, that you don�t attend church is evidence that you don�t love God. Alternative options, such as your being tired of the corporate religious system that passes for spirituality these days, and opting to go another way, are impermissible.

Here are some more:

�If you really love God (and are a true Christian),

�You will speak in tongues.�

�You will never doubt. You will never feel fear or anxiety.�

Grace woman young girl in pink dress dancing on ocean beach original oil painting by Steve Henderson inspirational

Steve called this painting Grace, because the woman is happy, free, secure in knowing that she is loved. Grace, original oil painting by Steve Henderson; licensed open edition print at Framed Canvas Art.

�You will tithe, faithfully, to your church even if you don�t have enough money for groceries this month. That you don�t have enough money is evidence of your lack of faith.�

�You will not sin.�

�You will feel joyful.�

�You will not swear.�

�You will not be tempted to drink, smoke, or break any law found in the Old Testament, or unwritten � but understood � by the �Christian community.��

It goes on, but the upshot is, if you do not adhere to either 1) selective laws of the Old Testament and/or 2) the silent rules and regulations put forth by the voices of authority talking at you once, or more, each week, then you are said to be backslidden. And once you are backslidden, you are considered damned.

The Caressing Hand That Slaps

On the gentler end, backsliders are considered lesser Christians, while the more extreme view (which I fervently hope is rare) is expressed in this excerpt I stumbled upon at a Yahoo Answers site:

�God hates to see people�s back sides, and when He does, He usually gives them a good quick hard stiff KICK in the butt that sends them sprawling back into the slime pit from which they came for another good bellyful of it, hoping they�ll get so sick of it THIS time, they�ll never look back at it again!�

Is it any wonder that people have so much trouble grasping, understanding, hanging onto, and believing in the love of God when we are so adept at distorting it?

Okay, let�s spit out the bile from that kick butt paragraph, take a sip of water, and consider this statement from, which posted this Facebook meme:

�While I had chosen to trust God, to hope rather than despair, fear still reared up inside of me. The practical part of trusting God is hard and takes practice.�

Life. Is. Excruciatingly. Difficult.

The Love, not Hate, of Christ

Every single human being battles individual temptations and life circumstances, armed with an emotional, physical, and spiritual make-up that is unique to each one of us. While Jesus alone is able to get into the soul of another human being, and understand why that person thinks, acts, and lives the way he does, this doesn�t stop us from bursting in, and stating, explicitly, to others, what they must and must not do to be a true follower of Jesus.

This is why we need to read Scripture for ourselves, growing in wisdom and becoming adept in learning what the Word says, thereby freeing ourselves from relying upon others to interpret it for us. I�m sure it�s no surprise that there are a whole lotta wrong interpretations out there.

�Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest,� Jesus tells us in Matthew 11: 28-30. �Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.�

Our Teacher is gentle, not harsh; meek, not arrogant; forgiving, not delighting in seeing us squirm in the slime pit into which His well-placed kick landed us. When you start reading for yourself, begin with this verse: close your eyes and absorb the meek, gentle, and rest for your souls, part.

Thank You

Thank you for joining me at Commonsense Christianity, where I seek to separate truth from myth. Obviously, I�m not infallible, but if being perfect were the requirement for us to embark upon any endeavor, then none of us would be doing anything.


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What Is Backsliding, And Are You Doing It?
Posted : 20 Aug, 2014 07:52 PM

Good article.

That "kick butt" comment was shocking! I cannot think of a single passage in Scripture that could be understandably misinterpreted to teach that.

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What Is Backsliding, And Are You Doing It?
Posted : 26 Sep, 2014 12:13 PM

In my years of study the bible reveals Jesus over and over again. Backsliding can be equated with everyone. By the Law we are to be judged. And speaking in Tongues isn't something everyone will be able to do. Tongues was given to spread the gospel. Its not a prereq to enter the kingdom of God.

Getting back to the Law - No one can stand up to the Law so when one backslides as people might say. It's a high probability most will over and over again. See, the LAW is meant to slay us. To remind us that no matter how far we go in life or in spirit we are flesh for through our minds eye and mouth we sin against the law. To say otherwise is to think we are perfect in Gods sight.

The good news is Christ came with a way out. Unfortunately the reality is as we repent we also backslide at some point. Repentance takes practice, it takes the carpenters hands to smash us and mold us over and over again until we become his finished product.

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What Is Backsliding, And Are You Doing It?
Posted : 16 Oct, 2014 02:14 AM

Very good read. Quite often, we just don't realize the effect our words and thoughts have on people. It's easy to label someone as something. But it is way too difficult to sit with him/her, understand what that person has gone through or maybe what is that person's way of thought. In my opinion, if we open our own minds towards the need of the other, it will not only help us strengthen and encourage them, I think it would encourage us in our faith too.

Also, despite not really liking the way that kicking the butt comment was worded, do you not think that, there is a reason why we are let to backslide? So that we could see the greatness of His glory?

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What Is Backsliding, And Are You Doing It?
Posted : 17 Oct, 2014 12:48 PM

I've never really needed anyone to tell me if I was backsliding, you know if you are.

I'd steer clear of any church that starts telling you to give your money to them and go hungry. God doesn't need your money, he created everything in 6 days! Give when you can but �It is said, �You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.�� (Luke 4 vs12)

Don't just assume God will feed you because you didn't use common sense.

All that "you must speak in tongues stuff" and not feel anxiety etc is all about feel good factor, they don't want you bringing the congregation down. In fact you should share your problems / fears and we as Christians should share them with you and help where possible. Many greats in the bible still committed sin and needed reassurance from God himself, but they were still used for Gods glory.

"For the Lord disciplines the one he loves,

and chastises every son whom he receives.� Hebrews 12 vs 6

A Christian that backslides too far will get to a point where things are so bad he / she cries out for Jesus to come back into his / her life. I have done this and can't believe how far away I went, but the human heart deceives and needs to be constantly kept in check.

Sometimes when I backslid the issue was that I hadn't ever conquered the desire to not commit certain sin. When the opportunity arose with a situation where I could rationalise my action I was back at it. Often that is the battle.

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