Author Thread: NEEDS

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Posted : 10 Jul, 2014 06:01 PM

It would seem, that by settling for ANYTHING LESS than what we NEED, we are selling our selves short. Though at the same time, we must sincerely seek out the reason behind our being, the purpose our mysterious Creator intended for us as an individual, before we can honestly say that we are pursuing what we need, or should even be pursuing in the first place for that matter.

Then again, should we loathe our selves for having pursued after false things? As fallible humans with sensitive hearts, hearts that are sometimes full of pain and rage, should we not also be grateful for our ignorance that led us to mistakes, so we shall KNOW their folly and have the chance to yield to the wisdom that allows us to grow, heal, and transcend beyond it?

We all may have different religious dogma, a difference in theological perspective, historical memory, and so forth, but we all have access to that "still small voice", when we are not drowning it out with noise of our restlessness.

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