Author Thread: OAS-Operation American Spring. GET INVOLVED AMERICA!!!

OAS-Operation American Spring. GET INVOLVED AMERICA!!!
Posted : 1 Jun, 2014 11:51 AM

Update>: Boots on the ground May 16,2014. People like you and me are doing something to get our freedoms back to intended state as written in The Constitution ,Declaration Of Independence and our Bill of Rights! Now is the time to get involved. See YOU in DC!!!

Guidance - Operation American Spring Forward Into Summer - No Turning Back


Posted by Harry Riley on May 31, 2014 at 3:30pm in General Discussion

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All Patriots,

This is to update you on latest OAS decisions regarding our continued future forward movement and the current manning/direction of the �on-the-ground� Washington D.C. team which was decided in a meeting Wednesday night, May 28, 2014.

America has an option right�s called Operation American Spring(OAS) and is active on the DC Mall every day. We incorporate every worthy initiative such as declaring we will have no more Fast and Furious, no more Benghazi back-stabbing, no more VA murders, no more 9/10 Amendment attacks, no more 2nd Amendment more Obama and Congress lawlessness, no more destruction of the United States by domestic enemies.

Every patriot organization, citizen.......every American that loves our Constitution, Declaration of Independence, the principles given us by our Founding Fathers, should, must join Operation America Spring which is established on the D.C. Mall across from the Air/Space Museum. We�re there every day, fighting for every jot and tittle of our cherished Declaration of Independence, Constitution, and to reverse the moral decline that is moving America into the rubbish heap of disaster.

Visit any of our sites.... or and lock arms with us, stand shoulder to shoulder with Americans for America.

We love our nation and the Obama Administration is dead set on destroying what over 230 years has make it worse the cowardly Congress is complicit in that they do nothing to rein Obama back to Constitution responsibility........

Show up on the D.C. Mall to lend a hand to our established movement.......we need all America to think about our children, grandchildren, great grandchildren and what they will inherit if we fail the right the ship of America. There can be no greater challenge to all of us right now than to protect our nation and leave those following us with what we have enjoyed.

I hope to see you on the Mall............Use the information at the attachment below to guide you when to come........we need an even flow of patriots onto the Mall every day except Sunday. Sunday we have church on the Mall. First week it was at the Lincoln Memorial, second week it was at the WWI memorial, tomorrow it will be at another memorial..........join if you can, any day, every day as we send a message to the lawless leadership in D.C. their days are numbered, they will be held accountable, our constitution will once again become the law of the land.

The on-site D.C. Mall coordination/decision team will maintain a permanent presence(with appropriate over-lap) on the Mall and is: Pastor Bland, Joe Bennett, Alex Coffey, Roberto Tonizzo. Critical to on-site coordination is Don Johnson, State Operation Center (SOC) Leader, Deb Howard, the overall PR Lead 352-942-5203, Susie Price a major player for the social media from a strategic position, and SGM Nick will assist with local issues. Remaining staff and the rest of America are in support

Obviously those of us not �on the ground� will not be completely up to date on events as they unfold, so we need to be careful in our writing and radio to focus on the general mission, principles, and refer �current status� to Joe Bennett, Pastor Bland or Alex Coffey.

I will be on the ground from time to time, decide any major modification of mission, get updates on a near-daily basis to deal with radio as needed, edit press releases, etc......

We have a team sending OAS related press releases to me, communicating mission, principles below, whether on radio or writing and of course using media reports that clearly show the lawlessness, betrayal, backstabbing of the in-place leadership toward America, and how OAS is trying to combat the betrayals, evil corruption, greed, etc.. The on-site staff will deal with real-time issues on the ground. Strategic supporters must not send mixed messages that deviate with actions on the ground or our mission. Unity, unity, unity...........

OAS is focused on a dual approach now..........the on-the-ground team handles just that.......programs, marches, demonstrations, visitors, permits, on-site radio shows, camper help, etc., basically maintain momentum on the D.C. mall. Don Johnson, SOC leader,in close coordination with on-site staff, and others will reenergize the State Leaders, etc. to begin activity as warranted e.g. (marches,demonstrations, petitions, rallies, etc.) at State Capitol, county, town, commissioner level, focusing on our mission.

OAS is credible...........we announced to America all was well with our movement violence, unarmed, lawful, peaceful and we proved it.......the Glenn Beck�s, trouble makers, self-servers, have lost credibility in that their false predictions of violence were without basis in who will America believe in the future.......trouble makers, rumor mongers, Glenn Beck......... or OAS leadership?

We must stick like glue to our mission........not branch out into international issues........keep the pressure on the lawless Executive and Legislative branches, bureaucracy, oath breakers, etc.......keep our focus on internal U.S. issues can be embraced when US constitutional government is restored.

Mission � Constitutional restoration to reestablish the rule of law under our Constitution. Rights restored as our Creator and Founders provided. Removal of those that fail to obey established law.

Forward � No Retreat

Principles: Truth � God is our rudder. Mobilize our pulpits

My initial expectation for millions on the Mall was faulty. I misjudged the attitude of America to stand by the millions, but our call resulted in strong, hard core, patriots to carry-on and finish our mission which we always assumed would be of some length. We will not surrender, slow down, or allow the lawlessness in D.C. to dissuade us.

OAS Dual Approach - D.C. Mall presence and State Action.

OAS Success � Depends on OAS unity and developing same throughout America. Millions of Americans are in lock-step with us now and we must cultivate strong unity to a �leaning forward in the fox-hole� position ready to charge. Unity, unity, unity........

Expectation � Numbers are no longer critical(unless called for) on the Mall but are outside D.C. in America's neighborhoods. We must grow in the hinter-land but always be present on the Mall........original flow chart of the long term presence is still applicable . See attachment. OAS%20Operation%20American%20Spring%20Follow-On%20Sched.docx

OAS Supporters � Desire to re-establish constitutional government, liberty and freedom only requirement to stand with OAS.

Messaging � Communications/messaging must be a priority to get the mission, principles, and status, far and wide.� FB, Twitter, Blogs, Web sites, et al

Alliances � Form them but not expect endorsement...we only ask acknowledgement of OAS on media resources and any other support they deem appropriate.

Social Media � Maximize our coverage.

Self-Supporting - People helping people as we�ve done in the past. NO OAS organization.......a �movement to action� is our strength.

Guidance � Mission, Principles before personalities.

America is at the tipping point...we must persevere to the last drop of..................God bless every America citizen as we fight once again for our freedom and liberty.

Harry Riley, COL, USA, Ret.

OAS Founder

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OAS-Operation American Spring. GET INVOLVED AMERICA!!!
Posted : 12 Jun, 2014 05:47 PM


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