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Posted : 24 May, 2014 12:31 PM

Does God still do miracles today? Below is my testimony of a miracle that God did for me recently on May 18, 2014. I pray that it would be an encouragement for all to look to Jesus for healing, for the Lord Jesus can do what doctors cannot do as recorded in Luke 8: 43-48, in the story of the woman with the issue of blood.

I am not one who will go to a doctor when something is ailing in my body (the last beneficial visit to a doctor was almost 40 years ago), but I faithfully always go to Jesus. The Lord has been my doctor over the years and has healed me many times.

Sometime on Monday morning, April 28, 2014, I noticed pain in my left ear. The pain intensified throughout the day. I prayed and felt at times relief. However, the sharp pains would always return. For several days I simply prayed and endured the pain, which at times felt like it paralyzed the left side of my face. However, by Friday, May 2, I knew something was terribly wrong. Although the pain had somewhat subsided, I had lost almost total hearing in my left ear. I decided to visit a walk-in-clinic after work. The receptionist kindly told me that the doctor would not be seeing any more patients that day.

I went home and had my son flush out my right ear. My hearing was only slightly improved in that ear since that is my weakest ear for sound anyways. However, it gave me hope, for some inexplicable reason, to return to the clinic. I jumped in my truck and quickly drove back to the walk-in-clinic. It was five o'clock. I saw the doctor putting something in his car and returning through the back entrance of the clinic. I tried opening the door to the back entrance, but it was locked. It was obvious the doctor was getting ready to go home. I walked around to the front entrance and it was locked as well. I stood by my truck wondering what to do. Suddenly, the doctor came out of the front entrance and locked it.

As he turned, I approached him. "Doctor, I know that the clinic is closed. I came by earlier and was told that you were not seeing any more patients. But I have something very wrong with my left ear. It's been in pain all week."

I expected the doctor to tell me to go away, but instead he looked at me and said, "Come with me." He turned around, unlocked the clinic, disengaged the security alarm, and examined my left ear. "You have a very bad infection," he said. The doctor prescribed 6 tablets of Azithromycin (whatever that is).

I faithfully took the tablets over the next 5 days as prescribed. The pain seemed to subside, but my hearing was not restored. I returned to the clinic on May 7, 2014, for another examination and was shocked when the doctor said, "You have a perforation in your ear drum. The pressure from your ear infection must have caused this." The doctor then prescribed Ciprodex Otic Suspension containing Ciprofloxacin Hydrochloride and Dexamethasone. [Why don't they just call it "ear drops" and make it simple. Perhaps the big words are meant to impress you so that you won't complain about the $40.55 charge for the tiny bottle of 7.5ml. of liquid.]

According to the doctor's prescription, I had my son administer the priceless droplets to my left ear for the next 10 days. On Saturday night, May 17, 2014, I decided this would be my last dose of the medication. My hearing had not improved at all during this time and there was still bouts of minimal sharp pains even on that very day.

I said, "Lord, I do not understand what is happening, but I know that you can heal me if You are willing. You promised in Your Word that You would supply all my needs. Lord I have a need to hear. I will not take any more medicine after this. I'm in Your hands."

On Sunday morning, May 18, 2014, my son and I attended a church service. Although my left ear was still deaf, I had the most glorious worship time in the presence of Jesus. I prayed silently, "Lord this would be a good time to heal me!" Although I felt no healing at that moment, I was overwhelmed to tears from God's presence.

Later that afternoon, I was absent-mindedly cleaning my left ear with a Q-tip swab for it felt wet. At the same time I was talking to my son and was suddenly aware that I could hear him clearly. "Something has happened to my ear," I said. To my shock and amazement, there was no more muffled sound in my left ear. Every sound was crystal clear. I turned on the toaster and could hear for the first time the "ding" of the bell when the timer goes off. I did the same thing with the oven timer, and how sweet to my ear was the sound of the timer going off. PRAISE THE LORD!!!

Yet I was and am baffled. What part does the doctor and the medicine have to do with this miracle? Was I to return to the doctor to thank him and yet give the glory to God? God works in mysterious ways. I was not expecting God to heal me this way, and maybe that is why He did. Could this be like Naaman in 2 Kings 5:11, who was expecting God to heal him a certain way, yet he had to be humbled and accept God's way?

Now for the rest of the story. It is one thing to make a claim of the miraculous, it is another thing to substantiate that claim. When I shared with a fellow co-worker the events of my healing, giving the glory to God, he looked at me with skepticism and said, "But you were taking prescription ear drops for 10 days. . . that's why you're healed."

My co-worker's statement bothered me. I felt that I needed to return to the doctor to not only verify that the perforation in my ear drum was healed, but also to prove that my healing was indeed miraculous. After three failed attempts to see the doctor because of his busy schedule, I was finally able to see him at 5:00 pm on Friday, May 23, 2014.

The doctor listened in silence as I recounted the above events. He examined my ear and said he could no longer see any perforation of the ear drum. Using a tuning fork to create sound, he tested my hearing and found it to be normal. He then asked me if I was still taking the ear drops and I said no, for I had ceased taking them on Saturday, May 17. Then I asked him, "Could the ear drops, after 10 days of use and seeing no improvement to my hearing, suddenly take effect on Sunday, May 18?"

His answer was an emphatic, "No".

I asked him, "Then how do you explain it?"

The doctor's answer surprised me. "There is no explanation for this healing. And if I were to try to explain it based on natural causes, it would not be possible. You are free to call this healing miraculous if you wish, for I can give you no explanation. We physicians do our best to assess a situation. Sometimes we err in our diagnosis and prescribe wrong treatments. In the end we realize, that ultimately, healing is out of our hands." The doctor then reached out his hand to shake mine. "Thank you for sharing this good news with me."

I pray, dear reader, that my testimony of God's faithfulness would encourage you to look to Jesus for healing. For doctors can only do so much, and as my doctor admitted to me, "healing is out of our hands." And like the woman with the issue of blood, who was treated by physicians for 12 years but only grew worse, you too can reach out to Jesus by faith and be healed. (Luke 8:43-48)



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Posted : 26 May, 2014 04:14 PM

YES!!!...He sure does and He is AWSUM Paul :applause:...He is always Faithful...Mercyful...LOVING !!!... xo

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Posted : 26 May, 2014 07:49 PM

Thank you Gods Jude for sharing. I should add that my testimony is in no way meant to diminish the valuable role that doctors and surgeons play in health care. I recently watched a move called "Gifted Hands", the true life story of the surgeon, Ben Carson. It's a wonderful story of how God used this man to perform extraordinary surgeries. God can and does use doctors.

Notwithstanding, the purpose of my sharing of this miracle is to point people to the Lord Jesus Christ who can do the impossible for you. Let your faith rest in Jesus.

�For with God nothing will be impossible� (Luke 1:37).



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Posted : 29 Jun, 2014 07:32 PM

Yes, GOD does miracles today,my miracle begins tomorrow. I have buck teeth and I have been praying since I was a kid about my teeth. As, I was older and had kids they were my first priorities. So, again I was on the back burner.

Last year I had this dream that my teeth were straight and in the dream I was beaming from having a beautiful smile. But that was just a dream. I had been having a lot of problems with my teeth. So I just prayed and did home remedies and that seem to help. I didn't have insurance so I did what I could do.

My daughter took me to her dentist and he told me he could do a dental bridge that was permanent and could fix my smile. GOD provided the money so I will have a beautiful smile. I have to have teeth pulled which will be in steps. The first one I have to have tomorrow. GOD can do miracles by using doctors or also just do a miracle without men.

Also another miracle GOD did for me was I use to be an epileptic and have seizures. It has been over twenty years that I have been seizure free and taking no medicine. So I can say GOD is still in the miracle business.

Once my smile is enhanced, I definitely will be posting new pictures. Please keep me in prayer for the dental work. :applause::yay::yay::applause:

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Posted : 30 Jun, 2014 06:53 AM

Thank you sister for sharing with us: "Also another miracle GOD did for me was I use to be an epileptic and have seizures. It has been over twenty years that I have been seizure free and taking no medicine. So I can say GOD is still in the miracle business." Praise God!!! That is wonderful news.

And may the Lord guide the surgeon's hands in your operation. We look forward to seeing your beautiful smile. :angel:



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Posted : 30 Jun, 2014 12:52 PM

God is in the miracle business!!!!!!

Thank you for sharing your awesome story! :angel:

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Posted : 12 Jul, 2014 08:23 AM

Of course God still does miracles.

June 1964. Mary decides to go next door and awaken her daughter. She knocks on the bedroom window and awakens Joan. Joan's first impulse is to check on her daughter who is only 5 weeks old. Dawn has been "being fussy" for several days. Her pediatrician tells Joan not to worry, that she is just being an "overprotective mother" and to "talk a walk" when Dawn is fussy.

When Joan looks into the crib, she sees that the bedclothes are disheveled and Dawn is limp and bloated. She immediately screams for Mary to come in. They rush Dawn to the hospital. Dawn's kidneys are failing.

A water tumor has formed behind Dawns heart, caused by the kidney failure. A week later, the tumor ruptures, flooding Dawn's chest. Her lungs collapse, her heart stops. Dawn slips away and goes to be with our Father at the age of 6 weeks.

Before the autopsy has been performed, the original pediatrician urges Joan to get pregnant again, to ease her loss. One year later, Joan has a son. By the time Joan finds out she is pregnant, the autopsy results are in. Dawn kidneys failed because her liver had stopped functioning. Dawn's liver was crystalized. This was caused by a defect. Dawn was born without the ability to process milk sugar. (Lactose). The lactose was stored in Dawn's liver as crystals. Testing reveals that her newborn son, Tony, also has the same defect. Immediately, the family falls to their knees and calls upon God. Not just her immediate family, but family from Florida to Illinois. From North Carolina to California. Radio programs from one side of the country to the other add Joan's son to their prayer lists, as do dozens of churches across the US.

They know only God has the power to intercede because the variant of the illness Joan's son has is 100% fatal. There was no record of a child with this variant living to see his or her second birthday. Even the doctors tell Joan, "Dont love him, there is no hope".

Tony, and the family, celebrate his first, then his second birthday. Between the time of his birth and his second birthday, Joan gets pregnant twice. Both end in miscarriage. The doctor attribute the miscarriages to the illness. It was too advanced for the babies to survive. In November, 1967, Joan gives birth to her second son, William. Tests reveal that William also has the illness, only worse. William is also unable to digest food. He is literally starving to death on a full stomach. Powdered pancreas added to the formula William is on corrects this.

Prayers continue through all of it.

For years it is a daily struggle, but God has His ways and His own time to do things. During this stuggle, Tony takes a bite, only a bite, of an egg salad sandwich. Within an hour he is passing blood. Before they can get him to the hospital, he has filled 5 diapers with blood. He survives through God's grace.

Then, as if someone turned on a switch, both boys were cured. In August, 1970, both boys were declared healthy. The only trace of the illness, at the time, was the fact that both boys had unusual liver enzyme levels. But like Job, what God takes away he gives back, only increased.

In 1993, Tony took a job working for the sanitation dept in a small town in NC. Because he would be exposed to hazardous biological material, a course of vaccinations was recommended. One of the vaccinations was for hepatitis. After the inoculation, there were blood tests. The tests revealed no trace of the vaccine. The vaccine was administered again. Same result. The doctor concluded that Tony was naturally immune to hepatitis. William has the same God given immunity. Medicines also do not build in either of their systems. Their livers destroy most diseases and drugs.

My name is William and I always tell this in the third person because I had absolutely nothing to do with our miracle. Tony is my elder brother. We owe our very lives to God's love and mercy. I know that I would not be here if not for God. God has saved my life upon more than one occasion. Two car wrecks that should have killed me left me with nothing more than a few cuts and bruises. A man shoved a pistol in my face and pulled the trigger, but the pistol didnt fire. A truck plowed through my home, but I didnt receive so much as a scratch even though I was only inches away. Those are just some of the miracles God has wrought in my life. Praise be to God!!!!!!!!!

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Posted : 13 Jul, 2014 08:17 PM

WOW! That is an incredible testimony, William, of God 's amazing power and grace. Thank you for sharing that.



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Posted : 22 Aug, 2014 02:21 PM

HE "GOD" sure does do miracles!! Some times God does use doctors, and sometimes people of the church. ALL healing is from the Lord. After all He's called the Great Physician.

My daughter had a disease called Barrette's Esophagus. She could not swallow or eat. We tried many medicines, but I could not afford the surgery. I was upset because it looked as if nothing could be done.

The people of church laid hands on my daughter. She fell in the SPTRIT. GOD healed her.

She now eats normally.


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Posted : 24 Aug, 2014 07:47 PM

Thank you hubbarddebra99 for sharing the miracle that God did for your daughter.



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