Author Thread: WHAT CAN A GUY DO ??

Posted : 11 Mar, 2014 12:21 PM

I have a Question that has been debated a lot from where I grew up via " THE BIBLE BELT " via Texas(EAST) and well, would it be considered wrong for a guy to just well. . . To just be able to call a Woman of the faith up and be around her alone if he knew that he was a very responsible individual and everything, like just the Two of them or would she have to have someone with her !??

Also, what's up with Women saying they really love you but if your down and out they act as if they don't know you and everything instead of being there for you when you need them the most !??

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Posted : 13 Mar, 2014 05:03 PM

I'm going to make some general comments on this. When people of opposite sex are alone together, they are providing opportunity to give in to the flesh (Galatians 5). The bible warns against this. Even if one believes they are able to handle it, you may be causing the other to stumble ( Romans 14, 1 Corenth 10, etc ).

We should avoid putting ourselves in such situations. If it is the girl who wants to be sure to have a 3rd party present, you should honor that as she is simply trying to protect her purity as the bible instructs us to do.

Regarding your comments on love, English is an unfortunate language when it comes to the word "love" as it has several meanings. Most other languages have different words for the different types of love. It is possible that you are reading more into it than is intended.

I have heard is said, run the good race and live right. When you notice that there is someone of the opposite sex running beside you, that is the one to marry. Focus on living for God and if it is His will for you to partner with somebody, He will guide the two of you together. Focusing on getting or having a relationship distracts us from living for God.

Read 1 Cor 7. There are a lot of references to how good it can be to be single as you are free from worldly concerns.

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Posted : 15 Mar, 2014 02:30 PM

I heard that the Nation of Islam teaches she automatically needs to be chaperoned not Christianity.

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Posted : 17 Mar, 2014 08:50 PM

chaperoned isn't a requirement but if somebody feels they need one to keep themselves from going to far...

Also, it can help keep from sending the wrong message. If you don't want things to move to fast, it's generally a good idea not to provide opportunities for things to go in that direction before you are ready.

Religious or not, if you don't what things to go in that direction, its a good idea to keep friends close by.

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