Author Thread: When you give anything...

When you give anything...
Posted : 27 Feb, 2014 04:56 PM

Do you ponder what would have happened if you haven't done it?

Today, my older brother was thinking he made a wrong decision when he gave his motorcycle to one of his siblings...

Later one, my mother got upset when I gave some of my t-shirts to my ex-wife.

Is it common in your culture or life?

I'm not generous but, when I give I give. I think I've stopped thinking those things my mind used to chew for things being done in the past or those mistakes I did (but they were so cute, before I knew some were mistakes I never thought they could be).

I tried to talk to my brother, but he is so (...).

My mother criticized me when I have given those things she gave me. At least, I had the chance to tell her that, when I give, I have no real powert to tell or control other's decisions.

If I give, the thing is given. No more control on those things given.

Do you give anything to controll other's will?

Do you give to receive, in turn?

The Lord Jesus said "it is more blessed the one who gives than the one who is receiving..."


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When you give anything...
Posted : 28 Feb, 2014 05:24 AM

When you give with a clean heart, and from deep in your heart,because your heart is willing,you don 't bother with what the person does with what you have given.

When you give with a clean heart you sort of forget that you have given.But when its forced,you keep remembering that you gave.

When you give with a clean heart without expecting anything in return,God repays you in His own way.

Its good to give out of love.

When you give out of love you don't consider what the other has done to just give.

I also helped my ex(he had been desperate without a job for a long time and I got him one),and some people thought I was crazy.

But to me,it was just giving like I would give to anyone whom I don't know.

Giving with love is very fulfilling.

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When you give anything...
Posted : 28 Feb, 2014 11:02 AM

Thanks, LukiA!

I�m happy you tought me more on this subject.

"When you give with a clean heart without expecting anything in return,God repays you in His own way."

Yes! He often does it and, if He gives noting in turn, that�s better, because I own HIM all I might have (I deserve nothing I have received).


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When you give anything...
Posted : 5 May, 2014 08:51 PM

Amen Lukia! Well said sister! :dancingp:

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