Author Thread: Is there a double moral standard for the world or in secular Christianity?

Is there a double moral standard for the world or in secular Christianity?
Posted : 26 Feb, 2014 10:15 PM

If you have surf the WWW enough, wou probably have seen people saying: "I don�t like people who lie" or "I hate liars", but the truth is WE OFTEN LIE.

Men seldon say: "I hate lying", but it is us (men) who often go like hummingbirths smelling flowers and sipping what we might find on women�s life. Of course! Today, with the freedom we have gained with extreme feminism, some girls have learned to play the same game: Chearting on.

Is it common in your culture?

I live in Latin America and I know men and women like to cheat on, particularlu when they are not believers.

Christians (or secular Chritains) often have said: "I hate lying" but they often hurt feeelings and hopes when cheating on, by using whatever means they think of (and here I�m included, because I was used to do the same, when I was less than 32 years).

We know the 10 commends, but we fail to achieve the full meaning of those Jesus resumed in two: Love God and love your neighbours, too.

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Is there a double moral standard for the world or in secular Christianity?
Posted : 28 Feb, 2014 05:33 AM

I think lying is common everywhere.

It is so common that people think it is the way of life.

Couples cheat one another,both men and women.Infact both christians and non-christians.

In relationships or other issues.

May God help us christians that we may not live in lies,that we may keep and fulfill the ten commandments.

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Is there a double moral standard for the world or in secular Christianity?
Posted : 28 Feb, 2014 11:06 AM

Thanks, Lukia!

I knew it recently. I thought it was local, only to Latin Americans, but now I knew it from an International scope. I thought there were more committed Christians (there are, of course) but I haven�t had the chance to confirm it, as you�ve said.

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Is there a double moral standard for the world or in secular Christianity?
Posted : 28 Feb, 2014 11:07 AM

Thanks, Lukia!

I knew it recently. I thought it was local, only to Latin Americans, but now I knew it from an International scope. I thought there were more committed Christians (there are, of course) but I haven�t had the chance to confirm it, as you�ve said.

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