Author Thread: Spammers, SCAMMERS and more cheaters...

Spammers, SCAMMERS and more cheaters...
Posted : 12 Feb, 2014 09:18 AM

I�m a newcomer here, but I know some robes.

If you are "new" (like I am) don�t let yourselves to be tricked.

Has a child invited to leave CDFF? Did they send you a PM where you have found her/his "personal" email?

You may find out here manynice looking profiles would "promise" sending you pictures... Do you need more pictures to be known and accepted?

Newcomers need to acknowledge some profiles here are:

1) Abandoned: Those left when they felt were worn out, tire of seeking their "perfect" match or, perhaps, GOD gave them a loving person outside, in their real life. Congrats! Their search is over.

2) Some were Hurt and Left: These are oversensitive, afraid to vent some of their disappointments (here) and ventured to try, outside virtual sites (a good thing, sometimes). But I have seen there SEVERAL persons will to give -themselves- a second and more than a third chance (Congrats). Those lessons they got may serve SOME OF US. I admired one lady who made her profile so clear and perfect, that I would like her to be my next door friend (but we are two worlds apart).

3) Stingy: If you are those persons who share too little about THE REAL PERSON YOU ARE, you would hurt -cheat- and lied those who believe the way you think you are, the way you need to be seen (and be believed). So I recommend you to be honest, be TRUE. Otherwise, you�re wasting your time on CDFF and "help" others to WAIT THEIR TIME... :nahnah: Thanks! I don�t need you. I have too many years wasted. :laugh:

4) Faked ID: I cannot tell all that I know (or believe). I will not tell faker (or liars) those things I know, because I could make "perfect" their tricks here and outside (That would make our search more messy and complicated).

Christian Moral Standards ARE ABOVE ALL of these. We know that CDFF is visited by outsiders, unbelievers, scammers and spammers, and there�s no way to stop or control them ("By their fruits" the will be known) So my prayer is, for you newcomers, it is you find your Mr Right (or your Mrs Right).

There�s no way to prevent their cheating and, if you ever pay to little attention to the one you gave some hope -some winks- and the like, don�t get upset if you are left alone when that person FINDS ANOTHER. If you don�t give the attention THEY NEED (I mean, the one you approached with all your honest heart) they would seek the person they feel the need (although I KNOW you could be the best choice -or option- they might be missing) but the heart is EMPTY, sometimes, and we need it filled, abundant, plenty of what we all may feel we have missed.

Don�t feel you are alone. We all learn to help or to teach another people: More if they belong to the family of Jesus Christ.

Oh! May I ask a prayer for me? :prayingm:

I don�t need something more than what GOD knows I need so, I would ask your prayer that GOD may see what I need, to be given, before I grow TOO OLD or I feel discourage, to be in the list of those who left, when feeling disappointed or hurt.

Thanks! :excited:

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Spammers, SCAMMERS and more cheaters...
Posted : 18 Feb, 2014 02:57 AM

Thank you for sharing.

God bless you.

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Spammers, SCAMMERS and more cheaters...
Posted : 26 Feb, 2014 09:44 PM

Thanks to you, instead, Lukia! :waving:

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