Author Thread: Did you know...

Did you know...
Posted : 20 Nov, 2013 07:02 AM

That when God created the critters...He also created us to care for them...we are custodians not just of the world but all there in...Man and woman have forgotin this...I had lunch yesterday in a hurry and I went to fast food place and got a this beef product has nothing to do with the link to a video Im sharing here...however...after watching and listening for a few moments...Im going back to eating Fish and Veggies only...XO

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Posted : 20 Nov, 2013 12:00 PM

I actually just watched "Food, Inc." so I get where you are coming from. From what I saw the whole industry is mad from greed and cruelty is at the order of the day. Some places in China is even worse, I have one video somewhere that... let's just say it makes you want to give the workers some of their own medicine out of sheer righteous rage.

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Posted : 20 Nov, 2013 12:39 PM

I think the vision Peter had about all things being 'good' to eat is what I will follow. There are issues in all industries...

Just my choice...I'm ok with those who choose not treat meat...for whatever reason.

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Posted : 20 Nov, 2013 12:52 PM

Rambo shared ~ give the workers some of their own medicine out of sheer righteous rage.

*** That was a tought that crossed my mind...:laugh:..well come to the Forums by the way...

I hear ya just kinda gave me more of the Eby Gebys than ever before...I couldnt help think that some of the bacon I had last week could have been one of those piggy' just didnt sit well...XO

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Posted : 20 Nov, 2013 02:23 PM

I did not last past the eye gouging right before the animal looked right into the hidden camera as if it knew where the only place for help existed

Kinda reminds me of a story that came out of the civil war when after days of artillery and all the horrors of large scale combat, the animals ran from the woods and for protection huddled next to the soldiers who were the same ones causing all of the madness.

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Posted : 20 Nov, 2013 03:31 PM

I didnt watch that far and Im now so very glad I didnt...Yuk...XO

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Posted : 20 Nov, 2013 06:58 PM

I watched as much of this video as I could stomach before going to a "small church's thanksgiving dinner" I was invited to that took place this evening.

By the time I got to the parking lot all I could think of was the memory of the pig being tortured turning its head and looking directly into the eye of the hidden camera....... as if it knew where it's only hope of salvation existed.

Long story short, thinking of the spiral cut hams being served inside, and because man (as you already pointed out) was put on earth to take care of and have dominion over the earth that includes respectfully reaping of the animals and plants coming from the earth, I left without going inside.

Now I will have to explain why I did not come inside ( at least one of the member saw me in the parking lot

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Posted : 20 Nov, 2013 07:21 PM

Oh very sorry about that...if its any consolation...If I was or am (future) attending a event that serves ham after I watched the video...I'd walked out to...We as people have been desensitized to brutality because of the movies and TV...its all filled with bang bang shoot em up...blow em up...Kick em up...kick em down...smack em all around...blood guts and gore...etc...etc...etc...XO

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Posted : 21 Nov, 2013 07:06 PM

I can't wait to ask Him what's the deal with mesquites and roaches... I will and do kill them every chance I get!!!!:ROFL: They make me wonder what was He thinking....:bow:

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Posted : 23 Nov, 2013 03:28 AM

Being a fisherman, I gut a lot of tunas and swordfishes on a daily basis. The food business is a bloody business by nature. But to keep the sufferring of our catch to a minimum, we go for the fast kill - we do this in respect to the fish that gives nourishment to our bodies.

Any person with a little common sense would know better than to kick, punch or torture an animal that will eventually end up on their dining table!

Thanks for sharing the video, Jude.

God bless,


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Posted : 23 Nov, 2013 03:26 PM

:waving:...Hi John...good to see shared -

we go for the fast kill - we do this in respect to the fish that gives nourishment to our bodies.

*** And this is how it should be done at all times...thank you for doing your very best in what you doubt some us here in the US have had some of the bounty you fish for...that is if they export it to us... ;o)

Any person with a little common sense would know better than to kick, punch or torture an animal that will eventually end up on their dining table!

*** Ya...common sense...guess some of these folks in the video just don't have any...its really sad because in todays times and economy...this is really going to hurt Tyson's national income...XO

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