Author Thread: Quit smoking..

Quit smoking..
Posted : 19 Oct, 2013 06:58 AM

I hope it lasts this time.., its the second time I quit this year.. The cravings are totally gone though its only been 48 hours since I smoked the last.. I guess prayer really helps from time to time ;)


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Quit smoking..
Posted : 19 Oct, 2013 11:04 AM

:applause:...Praise GOD...I've been told its the hardest drug to quit...Nicotine is a drug...

I smoked for years on and off..stopping...starting..over and over again...And then one day...I just didn't have the $$$ to buy the pack of smokes I so desperately needed...I told...Ok...:glow:..I yelled at GOD...I cant do this...I need you...Im going to go crazy and I have to wake up tomarrow with no morning cig and go to work...AUGGGGG!!!!...I got to 3:30pm and realized I hadn't smoked or AMAZING!!!!...I used Cinnamon sticks for the hand to mouth compulsion...carried them everywhere I it does cross my mind or I am upset and think "just one" couldn't hurt...I just remember the Truth...they do hurt not only me...but others around me...I Thank HIM and refocus my thoughts on HIM...

I'll be praying for you...With can do it...keep us posted...and ifin ya mess up...GOD still loves ya...and we do to...

GOD Bless and stay a Blessing to be a Blessing...XO

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Quit smoking..
Posted : 19 Oct, 2013 02:13 PM

Thanks, Jude! I really appreciate the moral support :D With no church around, I've almost forgotten what it feels like to be part of the Body of Christ - feeling the love!!

Thanx again, my sister in Christ! :D


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Quit smoking..
Posted : 19 Oct, 2013 03:58 PM

Oh are so very welcome...I must say since you are a fisherman and on the boat a must be difficult to not cave in on the temptation...I learned a lesson along time ago that I will pass on to you...The Truth and the Lie can not exist in the same moment of time...its Impossible...for no lie withstand the presence of GOD who is Truth...and then...I found this verse in Scripture...

Pro 23:23 Buy the truth, and sell it not; also wisdom, and instruction, and understanding.

The Truth is...with GOD you will everything in life...and the lie is...anything other than the simple Truth...and I'd say that's worth its weight in GOLD...

May GOD richly Bless you Ken...X <>< O

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Quit smoking..
Posted : 19 Oct, 2013 06:46 PM


Good for you...hold on to God's promise to get you through the temptations. I'll be praying for you, too.


Never heard the cinnamon stick suggestion. I will pass that along to my sister who struggles with the addiction. You continue to be a blessing on this site!

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Quit smoking..
Posted : 20 Oct, 2013 04:31 AM

Thanx, ib :) And thanx again Jude! I don't want anymore lies. Im trading nicotine for the Love of God! VERY addictive!

Thanx for all the prayers and support my brothers and sisters in Christ :)


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Quit smoking..
Posted : 29 Oct, 2013 06:08 AM


Keep the faith and God will take you thro'.

My prayer for you bro.

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Quit smoking..
Posted : 9 Nov, 2013 09:29 PM

Congrats,keep on,keeping on...

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Quit smoking..
Posted : 23 Nov, 2013 01:44 AM

Still going strong coz God is able! No desire to smoke at all. All glory to Jesus!

Thank you all so much for the prayers. May you all reap the goodness you have sown!

John(my christian name)

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Quit smoking..
Posted : 23 Nov, 2013 03:38 PM

:applause:...Praise GOD!!!!....He is so Awesome...keep up the total dependance upon HIM and you shall soar as the Sail Fish do...YIPPYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY.....:bouncy:....:peace:....:yay:....XO

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Quit smoking..
Posted : 23 Nov, 2013 04:22 PM

Amen...keep it up! Thanks for the update, always glad to hear how God is working in people's lives and how a brother or sister is overcoming addictions. god is good, all the time:applause:

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