Author Thread: What gives you the right????

What gives you the right????
Posted : 2 Oct, 2013 08:48 AM

What gives ANY one of you the right to message me telling me that I'm such a terrible person because I don't share your views or I don't live the life that you approve of ???

I have as much right to my views as you have to yours but have I visited any of your profiles and posted you a message telling you what I think of you? No I haven't.

So why don't I merit the same treatment?

Yes I drink, I have been known to swear when I stub my toe, I support gay marriage. Well you know what? Live with it. Don't like it? Pass on by.

Judge me on my views? Since when did God hand YOU his role of judge?

I have no doubt at all that when I am called to meet my maker he will welcome me in with open arms. If he is going to accept me for eternity how come people on the Earth find it so difficult - and again, what gives them the right to act 'God'?

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What gives you the right????
Posted : 4 Oct, 2013 05:23 AM


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What gives you the right????
Posted : 20 Oct, 2013 08:41 AM

when You say "Right"

do You mean priviledge? as is the modern ideal of right,

or, do YOu mean Right as in Righteous Duty,as is the true meaning of Rights?

[for example] You are blind and walking toward a cliff,it is the righteous duty to warn you,"stop!!! danger ahead..."

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What gives you the right????
Posted : 30 Oct, 2013 04:36 PM

We have no rights to decide right or wrong for ourselves - it was a condemnation of the nation in the old testament that everyone did what was right in their own eyes.

However, for the things God has called sin, we absolutely can and must speak out against those - not because we're any better (in some areas we can be even worse), but because no amount of people approving of something changes it from being sin. You can act to please God or to please men but be in no doubt who's judgement will count at the end.

You'll see yourself that in many countries, God's commands are being swept aside as the ultimate morality and standard to which we are held, and being replaced by worthless human morality that changes like the wind with every new president or generation and there can be no stopping it as long as man is the ultimate authority, answerable only to himself.

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What gives you the right????
Posted : 31 Oct, 2013 07:03 PM

As a Christian you dont have the right to pick and choose what you think is and isnt a sin any more than as a citizen you dont get to pick and choose what is and isnt a crime.

"Oh, its a crime to break the speed limit, but stick a gun in someone's face and robbing them is ok because I really, really need the money".

Sorry, wrong.

Jesus stated that marriage was between a man and a woman. Jesus also stated that fornication (sex outside of marriage) was also a sin. So, guess what? Not only is homosexual marriage forbidden, but homosexuality is also a sin.

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What gives you the right????
Posted : 3 Nov, 2013 09:57 AM

I think Newsues was highly annoyed when somebody used the PM to lambast him/her because of his/her beliefs, instead of using the main forums, where the initial combats started. We all have been given the freedom to choose; albeit some of these choices arent Bible-based, we should all be respectful, & show tact in giving remarks.

Some conversations shed more heat than light.

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What gives you the right????
Posted : 19 Nov, 2013 11:08 AM

Just to be an "angel" advocate....many of us will be surprised who we'll see in heaven, just as many will be surprised in heaven when they see US! Just saying!:angel:

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