Author Thread: No opportunity to apologise

No opportunity to apologise
Posted : 24 Jul, 2013 11:30 AM

We were getting along so well! Really had a sense of one another just via the email and IM. Then his pc crashed when we had made a time to talk. I waited and waited and was really disappointed but tried not to think the worst. I checked in a while later and found so many fantastic msgs from him. I couldnt have felt better...totally over the moon. Probably not thinking very clearly due to feeling so over the moon...i sent a joke mail saying how upset i was that he had left me hanging, then straight after that a 'just kidding' msg and thereafter replies to all his lovely msgs with compliments back to him. The idea was that he read them all in succession, as one would i thought, and just laugh at my silly joke and enjoy the rest of my responses the way i did his. Instead, he was very upset, angry it seemed and asked me via mail if i had considered the consequences to my actions? I was completely stunned at his response as i genuinely thought he would take it as a joke as i sincerely meant it like that and never meant to hurt his feelings.

He has blocked me so that i cant send a msg or IM him which i find very unfair as i cant even apologise for the complete misunderstanding.

I dont feel that is a good moral to have as a Christian, to not allow someone to apologise when they genuinely meant no harm and just werent thinking straight, ironically due to liking the person so much who has now blocked them.

So if you happen to read this Brendon, i would like to take the opportunity to say i am genuinely sorry if i hurt your feelings. It certainly was never my intention and yes i should have considered the fact that you may have only got to read the 'joke' msg and not the others and then obviously got the wrong impression. I didnt think it through due to being so excited that you had sent so many lovely msgs. i thought you didnt want to talk because you never came online at our agreed time so the fact that you wanted to be in contact clouded my mind too. So all in all, a silly thing to do but with the best of feeling and intention behind it. I dont feel that deserved to be blocked. If you didnt want to continue being in contact you could have just let me know and i would respect that as its entirely your decision. But to write all that you did in response to my silly joke, clearly making me aware that you are upset and then block me that i cant apologise, doesnt seem a Christian way to treat another person. Hopefully we can make peace...if you unblock the blockage...

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No opportunity to apologise
Posted : 24 Jul, 2013 06:58 PM

Midnight, you've done your part. It's in God's hands if he is the right one for you. I know it hurts...prayers for your emotional healing and for God to help you move through He will.

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No opportunity to apologise
Posted : 29 Jul, 2013 02:34 AM

Midnight,its sad that this happened when you least expected but take heart.We learn from our mistakes though i would say that was too fast for him.He shouldn't have behaved that way if he really cared.

You should thank God and move on coz its also not fun at all living with a high tempered person.

Thank God for him,that you met him and he made you learn there are people who don't take time to understand a joke.Pray for him.

My best wishes to you in your search.

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No opportunity to apologise
Posted : 29 Jul, 2013 05:43 AM

He sounds a bit scary, you might want to reconsider. People often seem nice and wonderful until they become angry or their ego is prodded. Be careful.


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No opportunity to apologise
Posted : 1 Aug, 2013 11:05 AM

don't beat Yourself up about it.

as You say,"sensitive (overly sometimes eeeck lol!)"

His loss?

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No opportunity to apologise
Posted : 28 Sep, 2013 09:54 PM

May not make you feel better, but you're not the only one to make a joke and been taken wrong.....Flatlander has a big mouth that is misundersttod plenty lol!:excited:

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No opportunity to apologise
Posted : 30 Sep, 2013 04:04 PM

I'm truly sorry to hear that. That really seems frustrating, but some people are very easily offended. That being said, in the bible it tells us that the prudent man can take an insult in stride (so even if he viewed it as something offensive) he really should have given you an opportunity to apologize. I'm sorry that he didn't.

God willing he'll get over it, and you'll talk again. However, that may not be His will for you. I've prayed for the both of you, and I hope everything works out.

God bless!

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