Author Thread: Christians making sick jokes ??

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Christians making sick jokes ??
Posted : 2 Jun, 2013 05:04 PM

One profile on here suggests there are" Cambodian children chained up in his basement ", him and some of the women who have read his profile have apparently laughed at it and even suggested he " throw them some food ". ???? When i pointed out it was a sick joke, he suggested i was " holier than thou ", and a " kill joy " ?????????? I hope the staff on here delete it from his profile. Non of us are perfect. I'm far from it, but that's not even remotely funny.

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Christians making sick jokes ??
Posted : 4 Jun, 2013 06:24 AM

Hi brothers and sisters. I wrote the above post. Had no replies. People have viewed the post but have not replied. ( in other words have done nothing ). Reminds me of instances in the street or whatever, when there has been someone getting hurt and everyone has looked the other way, pretended they have'nt seen anything and gone about their business. They don't want to put themselves in he firing line, or possibly make themselves unpopular ??? Does'nt it come with the territory of being a Christian - isnt it about standing up for the vulnerable, fatherless, orphans ???? Those being mistreated ?

I have sent in four reports to the staff on here - had no replies ??This is blatantly wrong.

If your child had been kidnapped, abused and killed, or was being held somewhere ( look at the headlines ), would that make you then do something - if it were your child. These are other people's children. Innocents. To the ones who have read my post and not replied. Perhaps you need to rethink. Stand up for what is right. Get behind me and make the staff of this website sit up and listen. They have not replied to my reports about this. I feel VERY STRONGLY ABOUT AND SO SHOULD YOU. I will put his profile name on here, i wouldnt normally do it, but no one is doing anything and i cant stand by and say nothing whilst a Christian makes sick jokes about something so bad, and gets away with it. I just want it deleted from his profile. mick james 19. your sister in christ

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Christians making sick jokes ??
Posted : 5 Jun, 2013 06:13 PM

Please keep in mind not all of us here on every day and I at least don't always go to all the forums. This is the first I've seen of your post. This is a free site and sponsored by ads that accept and display very questionable content. Somebody has to pay for the site and ads are as good as any other source but I wish they used a more appropriate source.

It is entirely possible and likely that this site is also run in the owners spare time and can be a week or two to go through all the abuse reports before they come to yours. You should not be so quick to judge "others on this site" because you didn't see an immediate response.

Regarding the since of humor you are referring to, I agree, its not very christian of them. Rather than attacking them though, you should politely point out, preferable with a scripture reference about crude and coarse jesting... Eph 5:4 is a good one for this: "Obscene stories, foolish talk, and coarse jokes--these are not for you. Instead, let there be thankfulness to God."

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Christians making sick jokes ??
Posted : 2 Jul, 2013 08:24 AM

No match found!

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Christians making sick jokes ??
Posted : 14 Aug, 2013 07:08 PM

This is also the first time I saw this post. I do agree that the humor is inappropriate. I also agree with what Matthew75 said. Not judging, and Scripture is always a good idea.

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