Author Thread: Are there any true Apostolic women on this site?

Are there any true Apostolic women on this site?
Posted : 4 Oct, 2012 08:48 PM

Apostolic standards for women

1. Not cutting hair

2. No pants or shorts and only modest clothing

3. Believes that there is only One God! Not 3.

4. Believes in the power of laying hands in prayer

5. Believes in the necessity of receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost with the evidence of speaking in tongues

6. Believes in Jesus Name Baptisms

But if you are reading this and you are Apostolic then you know all of this already.

So if you are an Apostolic female then please lets get to know each other even if it is just as friends and brother and sister in Christ.

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Are there any true Apostolic women on this site?
Posted : 16 Jan, 2013 02:43 AM

I think you got some of these things wrong.

What is being Apostolic? Because some of those things listed are really not what i would consider.

1st of all God said "Some will speak in tongues, others will lay hands on the sick and get healed ............................"

2ndly i have never read anything about cutting hair/ wearing trousers.

Indecency-Yes, that is something else but one can wear a skirt/dress and be indecent.


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Are there any true Apostolic women on this site?
Posted : 16 Jan, 2013 02:45 AM

Also, have u read the passages about why Jesus came so we may not be limited by the law (something like that) and this whole baptism thing, What exactly do you mean?

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Are there any true Apostolic women on this site?
Posted : 16 Jan, 2013 07:26 AM

Yep, I'd also like to see some biblical support for these points if that wouldn't be too much trouble. I understand you probably weren't looking for this kind of discussion:laugh:, but it would be interesting/appreciated. And one really important one, but slightly off topic, do Apostolics believe Jesus is God?

Also, in all actuality, pants/trousers are probably more modest than skirts/dresses, they keep a woman's lower body warm/protected compared to drafty dresses, and they don't ride/blow up like dresses do, etc. Unless a woman is wearing pants/shorts under a dress, it is probably one of the most unhealthful/immodest things a woman can wear, and it's only really "dictated" as "modest" by history/fashion, and not any real biblical principle. It seems that people just "think" dresses are more modest somehow, probably because dresses are old or something. The only biblical principle for clothing that I can find is that it be modest, but there is no particular style that is commanded to my knowledge. I don't think that it's helpful to the gospel to make ourselves a spectacle or a stock, so I believe we should all dress as modestly as possible, but not unhealthfully(yes, it's possible to dress in a certain way and harm your health). I think that, according to the only biblical principles we have, we should dress modestly/nicely/neatly/comfortably/practically/wisely/healthfully, and in my opinion, contemporarily.

And to go along with Peeches, there are many gifts of the spirit, and everyone does NOT get them all. Speaking in tongues is one of the least important(1 Corinthians 12:1-11). The bible even says that the gift of tongues will cease(1 Corinthians 13:8-12), perhaps until the latter rain. On top of them all, Paul begins to describe a more excellent way at the end of that chapter and the rest of the next. The foundation and most important evidence/"necessity" of a real christian is "love", not speaking in tongues. The bible doesn't say "He that speaketh not in tongues, knoweth not God", it says "He that loveth not, knoweth not God".

On the point of "long hair", I don't think that should really be a requirement for anyone to be "defined" as anything in particular, and Paul applies that concept at the end of his "discourse" in Corinthians 11. A woman having long hair is not required by scripture, and there is no "hair" custom/principle that is mandated by the scripture for either gender. In fact, at several times, God himself dictated that some men should never cut their hair, in contrast to Paul's statement. As a personal preference in a potential partner, it's fine, but implying extra holiness because a woman has long hair might be taking it too far.

1 Corinthians 11

"But if a woman have long hair, it is a glory to her: for her hair is given her for a covering. But if any man seem to be contentious, we have no such custom, neither the churches of God."

I understand I might be coming off as just telling you you're all wrong, and while I do think you are on some of these points:goofball:, I'd just hate to see you limit your potential marriage partners so much based on things that really don't say much about a person's character. You might miss out on a perfectly godly woman simply because she doesn't dress "right" or have the right length of hair, and since those aren't really biblical requirements, you might miss out on a woman that God brings into your life. If those are all personal preferences, that is a little different, but still, there's no assurance that God is going to acknowledge those personal preferences in executing his plan for your life. From my personal experience, I find out far too often that God does the opposite of what we "want", or even lets us do what we "want", to teach us a lesson about what we "need".


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Are there any true Apostolic women on this site?
Posted : 16 Jan, 2013 11:02 AM

Many years ago I went to a church in Scotland. Can't remember what denomination it was but they were very big on women covering their heads and men not when in congregation, and that passage about women being given long hair as a covering was quoted. The only other example I can think of was the Nazirites such as Samson.

As for speaking in tongues; this seems to be a belief most popular amongst pentecostals and I remember one old lady telling me that if I couldn't speak in tongues then I didn't have the Spirit and wasn't saved. That caused me a great deal of anxiety until a much wiser Christian told me that tongues was only one gift, and not even the best of them (he also mentioned about there should be an interpretation too).

I'm not going to comment on dresses or trousers (oh okay then, pants if you must) because just like the name given to them differing across continents, so too does the standard of modesty. In some Arab countries, women showing any flesh at all is a disgrace and harshly punished, whereas our western cultures tend to be rather more 'liberal'. The standard of modesty isn't an absolute, otherwise it would be prescribed like the priestly garments were, rather it is relative to the society you live in so that no matter where that is, Jesus' name would not be dishonoured by your appearance.

Regarding one god or three, I don't know any Christians who believe in three separate Gods, though trinitarian belief can seem that way. Some Christians accept this belief, others don't, but none of them deny Jesus is Lord., however they may describe God.

Finally the subject of laying on of hands: this can be comforting in some situations (touch is a very powerful thing by itself), and of course prayer goes without saying, but Jesus didn't find it necessary to touch everybody He healed, and we deceive ourselves if we think it's the only way to pray.

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Are there any true Apostolic women on this site?
Posted : 17 Aug, 2013 09:45 AM

I didn't know that available apostolic men existed! From all the Pentecostal churches I've been to, being married is a requirement for all males BEFORE entering the Pentecostal church! :ROFL:

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