Author Thread: Hard moral that no one will follow

Hard moral that no one will follow
Posted : 29 Sep, 2012 01:12 PM

Some people think I am too strict when it comes to moral.

For me does it sounds that they want to make their own rules so it fit their own life.

I think I am not so hard in my standard.

* I do not swear

* I do not like when they clap in the church

* Do not like rap and hard rock in the church as the church is a quite spirit filled place

* I do not wear any make up anymore

* I do not cut my hair

* I only drink wine and then only 2 glass in a dinner.

* I do not smoke

* I think women should not look like she is in a nightclub in the church and high heels is no for me

* Men should not wear ponytail and not longer hair than to the shoulder.

* The world should come to us and not the opposite. We must could attract people without copy the world.

( some of my most common moral sayings )

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Hard moral that no one will follow
Posted : 3 Oct, 2012 11:14 AM

I am not quite as strict.

I do, however, give you much respect.

I have a friend who is like you,and she is one of the best Christians I know.

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Hard moral that no one will follow
Posted : 3 Oct, 2012 11:32 AM

Haha You would be considered quite liberal where I am from...especially among my relatives. Some of my female relatives will not wear pants or shorts. They do not wear dresses that are higher than the midpoint between the ankle and knee. They certainly would never wear a bikini, and those are the young ones. They dont smoke and do not take cold medicine if it contains alcohol.

Everyone in my family is against abortion and homosexuality. My niece's hair is so long, she must wash it in the sink because, it keeps going down the bathtub drain. Most of the men in my family either have buzz cuts or shave their heads. My cousin once let his hair reach the collar of his shirt and we asked him when he was getting his ears pierced and was going to start wearing dresses. Even now we refer to him as "the big girl". He is 6'2", been married for more than 20 years, and has 4 children.

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Hard moral that no one will follow
Posted : 3 Oct, 2012 03:19 PM

The bible gives Us instructions on who to live a Christian life, when we give our life to Christ. It is not about rules.

We follow the Word.

The bible speaks of Loving your neighbor, which everyone you come in contact with or do not even know of them.

We are to have a Pure heart and Clean mind and it takes Christ to helps Us have this.

Bible teaches about women dressing Moderately. And speaks out again Strong Drink.

If we study the Scriptures and Pray God will lead Us by his Holy Spirit. No, need to try to follow RULES.

People in the OT , couldnt follow the ten commandments.

So, that is why JESUS came to pay our sin debt in full on the cross he died for all sins of everyone. Except Christ and he will help You to lead a Christian lifestyle.


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Hard moral that no one will follow
Posted : 4 Nov, 2012 09:51 PM

As Born again believers, Jesus has set us free from the guilt and condemnation of being under the burden of sin. So Christianity is not about following rules, it's about a relationship with God. However, Just because we are saved does not mean we are free to revel in sin and look and act just like the world. That is an insult to what Christ did for us. And far too many Christians today unfortunately look and act just like the world. How can we be the salt of and light of the earth if the world can't even tell us apart as Christ followers? You can call yourself a Christian all you want, but if your life does not live up to it, then even though it's ultimately between you and God, I doubt how strong your faith is. Just because we live in the age of grace, does not mean we are free from the standards the Bible has set for us. The Bible has made clear what is and is not permissible for the Christian and what standards God expects to abide by. Don't believe me, just look at the list of sins that the Bible says will forbid people from entering Heaven found in Galatians 5:21. Jesus himself said he will not tolerate lukewarm Christians. So Church,"Wake up! Strengthen what remains and is about to die, for I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God."

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Hard moral that no one will follow
Posted : 9 Dec, 2012 09:11 AM

@evavirg, your rules and standards are good. They have a place for the society. But realize at best all those rules and standards be as it may be good, was not enough to save man from the holocaust of sin and the sin consciousness in men. Don't we have men who are unregenerated, non-degenerates and unsaved yet more pious and even have stricter and more stringent rules and standards than you listed above.

All those rules are good, but they couldn't save man from the hands of sin. It was the atoning blood of Jesus that saved mankind.

Christianity purchased for man at he expense of the Life Of Jesus terminated on the cross transcend the levels of "Dos and Don't s". It far outweighs it. Nevertheless good morals were not discouraged in the New Birth. But it will never be enough to equal the New Birth realities.

@Apostelle, that was something you did to your cousin 6'2" brother. Lolz.

@Mason22, that was a good serve of the Word you spoke there. It will be a slap on Redemption if we attempt to parallel and tower it side by side with the Death of Jesus!

Good morals are not frowned at by God. Moralistic ordinances and stands are not discouraged by God, but its with His goodness that he had provided mankind a better way into redemption which Moral Ethics/Rules of Opinions for over 2000 years couldn't do in saving man from the throngs and pain of pains caused be sin!

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Hard moral that no one will follow
Posted : 29 Dec, 2012 12:12 PM

I support some of these morals but by no means all of them, and we are to be very careful not to judge others because no matter how good our morals are as human beings we have all fallen short of the glory of God. Let us remember, the Bible tells us that we are to look at ourselves -

Luke 6 v 37: Don't judge other people, and you will not be judged. Don't accuse others of being guilty. Forgive, and you will be forgiven.

Romans 14 v 1 tells us to accept into our group someone who is weak in faith, and do not argue about opinions. Have a look also at verses 2-4

If we use our high moral standards and become too strict in telling others what they should or shouldn't do (outside of the Word) we run the risk of being more sinful that the person we accuse.

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Hard moral that no one will follow
Posted : 10 May, 2014 03:43 PM

i agree with you. we need to lift up holy standards and not pull them down.

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