Author Thread: Modesty is Part of a Woman�s Call

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Modesty is Part of a Woman�s Call
Posted : 27 Sep, 2012 02:00 PM

Tonight, I noticed a group of young people discussing whether or not Christians today focus too much on modesty�perhaps turning the whole concept into an idol. I sensed that perhaps many of them didn�t really �get� the point of modesty, but they still had a few valid concerns. We are a very creative people. We sinfully put all sorts of things before God. We can make an idol out of just about anything: Cows, unicorns, rocks, trees, motherhood, fertility, fat bald men�dressing modestly �yeah, I guess it can happen.

Aside from the fact that we often try to �perform� for God by earning good-behavior points in exchange for His favor, we also tend to obsess over �good works� that are tangible� works we can be proud of and showcase to others (and possibly even to ourselves).

Instead of being satisfied with Christ�s work in us and giving the glory to Him, we try to please others, wanting them to admire the filthy rags (Isaiah 64:6) we�ve managed to sew all on our own. If we try hard enough we can be immodest even in dressing modestly. Confused yet?

Tithing and giving. Serving in a ministry. Feeding the poor. Reading the Bible. Having a quiet time. Practicing hospitality. Dressing modestly. The selection of good works are many � and, as is our typical manner, instead of giving God the glory, we often try to take the credit for ourselves.

So, yes, I guess we can make even some simple, gracious act like covering the private parts of our bodies an idol. Instead of viewing it as an expression of obedience to God and an act of love and honor to our neighbor, we can view it (and treat it) as a work of pride. But, �good things� don�t become �bad things� just because we, in our arrogance, try to steal God�s glory and hog the credit for ourselves.

It seems silly to have to even say this, but we aren�t supposed to reject the good works God has for us to do simply because someone may try to take credit for them, or because someone may present them in a way that irritates us. We are created for good works. And, as children of God, we are supposed to walk in them (Ephesians 2:10)!

Noah Webster rightly said, �Virtue is nothing but voluntary obedience to truth.� A Christian woman shouldn�t just go through the motions of anything, and she shouldn�t have a dead faith that lacks good works. Instead, she should add to her faith, virtue, and willingly obey God out of love for Him, not out of some misplaced desire to please man.

It�s All About God

Our reasons for dressing modestly should have nothing to do with gaining a sense of satisfaction or worth from another person. It should have nothing to do with attention seeking or yearning for approval from others. If we do that we have the same sin dressed up in modest clothes. The way we dress should have everything to do with dressing for the glory of God (and that goes for men as well as women).

However, by that, I do not mean that we have no responsibility to lovingly consider others by the way we dress. In fact, there should be a distinct element of loving our neighbor and putting them first in what we choose to wear. Contrary to popular belief, it�s not all about us (1 Corinthians 13:4-5).

We may contribute to, and even participate in someone else�s sin if we dress in a way that we know is likely to sexually distract the men around us, whether or not that�s what we�re hoping for. And it�s not so nice to their wives either. In fact, for women who are married to men who struggle in this area, it can be downright tortuous. See Modesty Promotes Friendship

By the way, men certainly own their own sin and are responsible before God to control their thoughts and to be faithful to their own wives in every way, regardless of what the women around them are doing. But, since I�m only called to teach women (Titus 2:3-5), I�ll keep my focus on what we women are called to do, and I�ll let my husband go there with the men, which he does. See his January 2011 article, Surviving Sexual Temptation, on our church website.

How am I loving my sister if I carelessly and unnecessarily dress in a way that makes me happy, but causes my sister distress or pain? And I mean that literally. I have counseled with numerous women who really struggle because of the way other women, especially younger women, reveal the sensual areas of their bodies to their husbands.

Loving our Sisters

Women, especially, have a hard time with body image: A post-pregnancy body, weight gain, a struggling marriage, or a myriad of insecurities brought on by our youth-obsessed, photo-shopped culture. Yes, as a Christian woman grows in Christ, she should also grow in confidence, knowing that her identity is in Christ, and her hope is in Heaven not in her flesh; but, can we not be more understanding�more loving (Romans 15:1)? These are real struggles that real women around us face every day. We should support and honor the marriages around us, not contribute to tearing them down because of our �Christian Liberty.�

Beware lest somehow this liberty of yours become a stumbling block to those who are weak. (1 Corinthians 8:9)

A few weeks ago, I spoke with a beautiful young mom who has been really struggling with this very thing. Her husband works each day in an office surrounded by worldly young women who dress seductively, so she has learned to trust her husband to guard his eyes and his heart; but, when she goes to church, she rightfully hopes for her sisters in Christ to give her (and him) a break.

Biblical modesty isn�t about piling rules on anyone�s head. It�s not about legalism, condemnation, judgment, or idolatry. Modesty is all about love. Loving and honoring God, and loving our neighbor as our self. It�s really pretty simple when you think about it that way. Let�s help promote marriage, our own, as well as everyone else�s.

Modesty Lovingly Puts Others First (Our brothers, our sisters, and even those who are lost) Galatians 5:13, 1 Corinthians 8:9, Romans 15:1�3, 1 Corinthians 10:24; 13:4, Romans 12:10, Philippians 2:3, 1 Peter 2:17, Romans 14:13, 1 Corinthians 8:13, Matthew 18:6

Modesty Communicates the Purity of Christ and His Bride 2 Corinthians 11:2, Ephesians 5:27

Modesty Contributes to the Honor of Marriage Hebrews 13:4, 1 Peter 3:1-2, Malachi 2:15, 1 Thessalonians 4:4, Song of Solomon 2:7

Modesty is the Opposite of Pride, Vanity, and Self-Centeredness (giving all the glory to God) 1 Timothy 2:9�10; Psalm 115:1

Public Nakedness is Considered Shameful in Scripture Revelation 3:18, 16:15; Isaiah 47:3; Isaiah 20:4

Modesty Honors and Glorifies God Ezekiel 36:23, 1 Peter 3:2, 1 Corinthians 6:19�20, Titus 2:4-5, 1 Corinthians 10:31, Matthew 5:16, 1 Timothy 2:9-10,

Modesty is Part of a Woman�s Call to be Chaste Titus 2:5

Stacy McDonald

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Modesty is Part of a Woman�s Call
Posted : 28 Sep, 2012 02:53 PM

1Tim 2:8-15 also equates modesty with prayer.

An interesting read: Google "The University Concourse, Modesty and Beauty"

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Modesty is Part of a Woman�s Call
Posted : 1 Nov, 2012 08:31 AM

Excellent post! I've never thought that modesty was technically a requirement for women. It's more of a requirement for the men to guard and control their own minds......but it sure makes it easier if women have some reasonable mercy and help the guys out:prayingm:. Definitely a ministry of love, and as your post pointed out, not just for men. It's makes it easier for other women as well. No burkas, but within reason, please!


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Modesty is Part of a Woman�s Call
Posted : 9 Dec, 2012 08:56 AM

@dljrn04, thank you for this post. Its edifying. The only thing that count is the worthless filth of a rag we used to parade that Christ now had removed far away from us and worn his righteousness upon us. And if there is any glory and thoughts of pleasure, that should be in it the Glory of REDEMPTION.

Again, as regards Moderation, In the new Birth, The man Born Again had been given the grace of a good Conscience.This Good Conscience makes us know what is good and what is bad. This makes us know how do conduct our moderacy before fellow saints and among the children of this world.

I Tim. 1:18,19 - �This charge I commit unto thee, son Timothy, according to the prophecies which went before on thee, that thou by them mightest war a good warfare; holding faith, and a good conscience; which some having put away concerning faith have made shipwreck�. when we neglect a goodly and godly conscience, we are planning on making a shipwreck of our faith!

Again Philippians 4:5 - Let your moderation be known to all men. The Lord is at hand.

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Modesty is Part of a Woman�s Call
Posted : 13 Jan, 2013 08:59 AM

I would go a step further and say that modesty is part of a woman's God-given nature. I think a woman, living from her regenerated heart, is (in essense) an invitation....vulnerable, radiant, beautiful. She invites exploration of her mind and her spirit and asks for her body to be honored and protected by the type of man who knows and appreciates the value of her sexuality. He understands that she is not his....and that her body belongs not to him, but to the Lord, and to whom she chooses to marry. He will not exploit her body nor use it for his own pleasure because he stands accountable before God for how he treats her. This type of woman appreciates and respects him for seeing her this way, and desires him to treat her honorably. She keeps her body covered because she wants to attract a man who desires to see her for who she really is. She has no interest in being seduced because she understands that it is empty and painful to be used. She desires to be a man's delight.

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Modesty is Part of a Woman�s Call
Posted : 31 Jan, 2013 01:44 PM

Excellent point audreymaye, thank you.

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Modesty is Part of a Woman�s Call
Posted : 2 Feb, 2013 08:34 PM

is not the responsibility of both men and women...?

since i am a is my concern..if ever i am a man..the accountability is still great to be one.... that is to be modest... in everything that i do..

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