Author Thread: What came first - consummate marriage, or sex?

What came first - consummate marriage, or sex?
Posted : 1 Jul, 2012 09:49 PM

I mean the following as part of our genuine desire to understand God's word. No troll intended.

Here's 1 Cor 6:15-17 (which comes before a passage mentioned in another thread, where a brain-wave struck):

"Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ himself? Shall I then take the members of Christ and unite them with a prostitute? Never! Do you not know that he who unites himself with a prostitute is one with her in body? For it is said, �The two will become one flesh." But whoever is united with the Lord is one with him in spirit."

This just occurred to me: what if that also means that such unity with a prostitute isn't premarital sex, but a marriage ceremony in itself, with the two becoming one flesh? Surely there's a reason why a marriage isn't said to be consummated (that, in a sense, it isn't complete) until those wedded are having sex. I remember that for Joseph, breaking off his engagement with Mary would have meant getting a divorce, yet that the unreached milestone mentioned in Matt. 1:18-19 alongside their marriage proper is their coming together.

One might say that for all the sex a Christian might have with a prostitute, there may be no marriage to make consummate in the first place. If, then, that's the case, how could sex between single Christians be a bad thing?

Maybe there isn't really such a thing as premarital sex. Maybe this matters, maybe it doesn't. Maybe I've missed something. Any thoughts?

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What came first - consummate marriage, or sex?
Posted : 2 Jul, 2012 04:07 PM

You are focusing on someone having sex with a prostitute.

Yet when Paul mentions a prostitute, he is not thinking of a person but a profession.

However a great and good person a prostitute may be, it is the profession that is fully impure and as such biblically unholy.

If you apply the bible verse in the sense of prostitute as a profession instead of a person, than the meaning becomes much more clear and useful in order to understand what Paul is pointing out.


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What came first - consummate marriage, or sex?
Posted : 3 Jul, 2012 06:01 AM

Anderson. Get off the boards.

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What came first - consummate marriage, or sex?
Posted : 3 Jul, 2012 08:08 AM

considering i do not believe Adam to be the father of Cain,i have to say sex came first......

hahhaa,ok before You start theologically murdering me,

please consider that abel's offerings were acceptable to GOD and cain's were not?

if they were both offspring of Adam?how could this be?where did this improper attitude come from?

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What came first - consummate marriage, or sex?
Posted : 3 Jul, 2012 08:12 PM

@SOS4EMAILFRIEND: I can see that, thanks! My understanding of these verses in their immediate context is that Paul is coming to a point where he can say not just to flee from sexual immorality, but also reason why. I'm not sure that I'm focussing on prostitution being involved to make this case, though - sorry, I could have made that clearer in my first post - but on using the reasoning that Paul uses. What I proposed might be just as applicable for any two people, prostitute or no, Christian or no.

@peacenic: I haven't heard that one before! But, I'm sorry, I don't see how that ties in to what I'm asking. Help?

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What came first - consummate marriage, or sex?
Posted : 3 Jul, 2012 11:32 PM

Consummate marriage comes first. Pre-marital sex just isn't moral! However,its a different case if one committed that before knowimg christ or fell into the fleshly desire for once. God does forgive which again doesnt mean we keep on committing sin in the name of forgiveness and repentance.

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What came first - consummate marriage, or sex?
Posted : 5 Jul, 2012 04:10 PM

@CuriousAisha: I can see where you're coming from, and how I agree that we are not saved to go on sinning (Romans 6)! My question isn't about whether pre-marital sex is a good or bad thing, but whether sex in itself entails marriage.

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What came first - consummate marriage, or sex?
Posted : 5 Jul, 2012 04:32 PM

In the traditions of the Hebrew~Israel~Jew...a couple was betrowed...most often a Older man to Younger women...refer to all scripture of Josheph and Mary...the young women/girl usually aged 11-12yrs was already in or to be in the Temple for 1yr before the Actual Marriage Ceremony takes place...Marriage 1st...then Consumation (sex)...the sheet to show fourth blood to verify she is virgin and pure...Hope this helps ya...xo

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What came first - consummate marriage, or sex?
Posted : 6 Jul, 2012 03:31 AM

Yes! It does. I thought the question was what came first? For which I answered consummate marriage and yes sex in itself entails marriage. Its a very important part of a wedded life I think.

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What came first - consummate marriage, or sex?
Posted : 6 Jul, 2012 01:05 PM

I think he was asking: If you have sex without being married first, are you actually married in the eyes of God after you have had sex?

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What came first - consummate marriage, or sex?
Posted : 13 Jul, 2012 08:51 PM

@GodsJude: Thanks for that, though I'm wondering if what we learn later in the NT shows us a bigger picture.

@CuriousAisha: What Apostelle (what a name!) said. The "What came first" question was there to point to the deeper issue I was getting at.

@Apostelle: Thanks!

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